
Long Term Weight Loss Is The Desired End Result Following Gastric Bypass Surgery

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Long-term weight loss is the desired end-result following gastric bypass surgery. However, this long-term goal is contingent upon lifestyle changes, including nutrition and exercise. More importantly, postoperative gastric bypass patients often have limited knowledge with regard to how to maximize weight loss. In order to measure changes and progress, two critical concepts to achieve optimal weight loss results are body mass index (BMI) and calculation of daily caloric intake. It is imperative to find out the status of respondents in post gastric bypass surgery (P), if ongoing nutrition and lifestyle training (I) compared to standard postoperative guidance (C) result in greater weight loss and decreased BMI (O) over a period of time (T)? …show more content…

. Gastric Bypass Surgery with Diet and Exercise Long-term weight loss results following gastric bypass are contingent upon lifestyle changes, including nutrition and exercise. Postoperative gastric bypass patients often have limited knowledge with regard to how to maximize weight loss. Two critical concepts to achieve optimal weight loss results are body mass index (BMI) and calculation of daily caloric intake. In adult women who are status post gastric bypass surgery (P), does ongoing nutrition and lifestyle training (I) compared to standard postoperative guidance (C) result in greater weight loss and decreased BMI (O) over the period of one year (T)? Expected outcomes of this proposed EBP change include an increase in patient knowledge of healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices designed to maximize weight loss and BMI reduction. Literature Search In order to determine if ongoing lifestyle and nutrition training over time has a significant effect on BMI, after a successful gastric bypass surgery, it is imperative to look for studies that focused on the problem. However, the best way to determine the solution to the problem highlighted earlier is to analyze the results of randomized controlled trials. In order to accomplish this goal, the proponent of the study utilized search engines like ePub and Google Scholar in order to look for studies that satisfy the aforementioned requirements. Literature Review At

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