
'Looking For Alaska': Different Types Of Teens

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Yes, I consider that John Green captured teenagers in the way they are actually in this generation. In this book “Looking for Alaska” I found different types of personalities in teens that are around the same age, but this wasn’t a bad reason for them to be best friends. John made a good job, in which show us the reality of want happen with young people in a life college.
I get connected in some parts of the book, because I have been with the same type of teens that appears in the book. I know a guy who wasn’t my friend, but he had the same type of life like the Coronel. He never met his father, he grow up with his mother and they had bad experiences based on the lack of money. In the book, a girl call Lara is trying to learn English, in the …show more content…

We can find the same life style with Hispanic people, normally each teenager have a different life style. Every family past throw good, bad experiences in which the teens get involved and affected by the change that happed in his family ties. John let us know who is the rich teen, the special girl, the nerd and the problematic guy. I think we all know someone with one of this type of personality. In the back of each one of this teens, there is a family who can be the cause of they conduct and education. In my opinion, I don’t think they are families exaggerations. Always there is going to be the good and bad, it is just who it should be. In the book, Miles is seem like a guy with a good life his family love him and they do everything for they soon. Chip (the coronel) is a troubled boy who never knew his father, but he wants a better life for his mother who has passed through a sad life. Alaska, is a special girl who seem her mother died and she lived with the sadness in her hearth, she even had a family. I considered this tree teens the main ones, because they are completely different buy always together like good friend, just exactly who it should

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