
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Does every human have an inbred evil quality within their soulful selves? Nobel-Prize winning author, William Golding accurately exemplifies the fact that evil is an inborn characteristic in “Lord of the Flies” one of his finest books explaining to his readers the acrimonious truth about human nature. Golding started establishing his pessimistic view about human nature throughout his times at World War Two where he came to realize that everyone has some sort of cruelty within them and it is a natural part of mankind. Set during the time period of World War Two, the book is about a group of English boys being evacuated safely out of the country, but the plane crashes, leaving the boys stranded on a deserted island, the boys try to manage themselves in a civilized way, but instead end up becoming savage. Lacking of being in a civilized area, Roger one of the characters, starts attaining pleasure from hurting others. Jack the antagonist of the novel, due to his immense lust for power, he started showing attributes of savagery. Ralph the protagonist of the book who started off kind and supportive towards the idea of civilization, he too became a victim of savagery later on. As portrayed by Golding through the symbolic representation of the “Beast”, evil is an inborn characteristic that cannot be evaded and is forever within humankind. Similar to the Yin-Yang, a Chinese symbol for qualities in life, states that there is a bit of bad within everything good and a bit of good within

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