
Lord Of The Flies Chapter Summary

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This diorama showcases the first meeting the boys have in Lord of the Flies after crashing onto the island, one of the most important meetings they will have. Ralph, “the boy with fair hair…”, sits on the large log that runs “parallel to the beach, so that when Ralph sat he faced the island but to the boys was a darkish figure against the shimmer of the lagoon” (pg. 7, 77). He also holds the conch, being the one who fished it from the water and the one who blew it to call the meeting. Piggy, the one “…shorter than the fair boy…”, and Jack, the one whose “ … hair was red beneath the black cap …” (might be a bit hard to see the red hair), both are sitting on the log to Ralph’s right (pg. 7, 20). This log is described as being “ … not …show more content…

As already stated, this is when Ralph is voted in as chief, giving him control over the boys. Also, this is when Ralph makes one of his biggest blunders, giving Jack control over the hunters. Both of these events are very important to later events in the story, notably when Jack leaves the tribe to form his own and his hunters follow. However, that is not the only reason this scene is important. This scene is great to use to see how far the boys have lost civil manners. Just a day after, or maybe less, after the crash, they still are civilized and it would be crazy to call them savages. They even voted on chief instead of one of them just taking over. Therefore, we can compare the events later in the book to this scene to see how far they have lost civil manners. Although Jack lost the chance to be voted chief later in the book once they are back from the search for the beast, it doesn’t stop him from just ignoring the vote and forming his tribe. Compare that to when he accepts the vote in this scene, despite losing, and it shows they no longer respect authority or the rules that help keep civilization together, making this scene very useful to compare to later

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