
Lord Of The Flies Figurative Figure Essay

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The Figurative Figure
Throughout time women have been stand ins in media for various reasons. Although the most influential, in my opinion based on the research I’ve been gathering, is through fashion, propaganda, and metonymic imagery in novels. With Coco Chanel’s simple, less flaunty fashion, the well known propaganda poster of Rosie the Riveter exclaiming to women that they can do it, and William Golding’s dystopian novel, Lord of the Flies and how even though there were no physical women on the island, there was still represented through metaphors and symbolism, there is plenty of evidence that show how women were shown through the media of the time. Through this paper I hope to further reveal how women were represented in different forms of media and what that says to the women of the past and how it paved the way for the women of today.

The French leader of the fashion frontier, Gabrielle “Coco" Chanel built an empire of fashion for women all around world, changed how society viewed women. With her boyish style, Chanel inspired women …show more content…

It wasn’t just a tool, it was a weapon, used by both sides to fight against the other (Rudiger). Being universally used, propaganda was seen by anyone and everyone and inserted ideologies into the minds of the viewers.

In the novel, Lord of the Flies, there are no women on the mysterious island with the group of stranded, young boys. However, there is still imagery and symbolism for women. It stands in stark contrast to the confident and capable images of Coco Chanel and Rosie the Riveter.

One example is the sow that Jack and his group killed after separating from Ralph, Piggy, and the rest of the boys. The language used in this passage is reminiscent of language typically reserved for scenes of sexual situations (Bufkin). The scene uses words like “prodding”, “stabbing”, and “spouted” (Goulding 135). This leads and alludes to symbolism of the female

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