The remaining boys off the desolated island in the middle of the sea sat inside the boat of their rescuers, returning to the home they had left behind.
"Not too far off from London, now, lads," a sailor told them, taking a swig of the small flask in his hand. Ralph remained in the same agonized position; his back arched, elbows on his knees and his fists clenched with what little finger nails he had left, digging into his skin. Samneric were on his left, rubbing their eyes free of running paint and on his right was Maurice, who sat shivering. Ralph could feel the heat of Jack 's glare burning his scalp, so he raised his eyes to give him an uncertain look, but Jack turned his head to glare at the young sailor as his eyes met Ralph 's.
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Instead, they turned their heads to watch the approaching city in the distance.
"So… what 's your name, scouser?" Ralph asked blandly, not really interested but he felt a little guilty for not speaking to him.
"Kevin," he responded with enthusiasm. "An ' I know y 're name already; it 's Ralph, innit?" Ralph nodded. "I heard bout you from a shrimp. They was hunting?" Ralph nodded again, cringing at the unwanted reminder. "Sounds fun. When I was a kid, me father took me out huntin ' sometimes- for badgers that ruined our garden- an '-"
"Sorry, Kevin. Not that I don 't care, but, I kind of just wanted to be alone," Ralph butted in and the scouser grimaced, nodding and scurrying away to leave the once fair-haired boy in peace.
Within the hour, they arrived in the outskirts of London. No families were there to greet them like some littl 'uns would have thought, only a robin on a wall, singing in greeting.
"I shall take a cab to Manchester," announced Jack in all his arrogance and pride, "Who shall come with me?" Ralph walked away from the group, Samneric taking a final glance at him and turning back to Jack 's tribe. He journeyed down the empty streets barefooted, wondering why no one had come out to scold him or shoo him away in mistaking him for a tramp. Instead, he noticed the streets were empty of presence and houses were desolate. His home wasn 't too far off the
In the novel, "Lord of the Flies," a group of British boys are left on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Throughout the novel, they have conflicts between civilization and savagery, good vs. evil, order vs. chaos, and reason vs. impulse. What would it be like if the boys were replaced by a group of girls? Would they behave the same way they did in the novel? I believe that the girls would act in the same behavior as the boys in all ways because, everyone is installed with evil inside them which is their natural instinct, also because in life there is always a power struggle in all manners, and the outcome with the girls would be similar-since both sexes would plan on getting rescued.
“If you have anything to tell me, you can tell me tomorrow because I need to go to my room and have a rest now.” said Ralph.
Lord of the Flies has been considered a literary classic throughout many generations, in spite of it’s perplexing and depressing aspects. Written in 1954 with the timeframe of the next world war, a novel such as this is bound to have some out-dated concepts,language, and elements. The characters are a great example of this.
In William Glolding’s book, Lord Of The Flies, a lot of events happened including an illegal killing. There are many different accounts of homicide that differ from First degree murder to manslaughter. Then you have second degree murder which is an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned and caused by dangerous conduct and the offender’s obvious lack of concern for human life. Unfortunately that was the Case for Piggy. Piggy had gone to Castle rock to get his glasses back from jack which resulted in a fight between the two boys. While in the midst of the heated discussion and violence a rock was thrown at Piggy and became the reasoning of his fall and
The naval officer took all the boys that were on the island to the ship. One by one they got on the ship and sat down quietly. Most of them thought about the things that happen on the island like what happen to Piggy and Simon and the littlun with a mulberry-colored mark on his face. Others thought about what they were going to do when they got home with their families and how their families were going to react. Ralph thought about his friend, Piggy, and how he got killed. Jack thought about his mom and what would happen if she knew what he did on the island. Everyone’s faces seemed shocked by the news that they were rescued. Ralph seem like he wanted to say something, but he was too shocked to even say a word. The naval officer asked the littluns what their name was but some of them did not even remember their names not even Percival.
Fear causes the boys on the island to break up and to fight. At first,
Bob Hopkins currently works for White Lumber Company (WLC), he was previously employed at a commercial bank. He wanted to move on from the banking industry and make use of his college degree and experience in another industry. Hopkins decided to take a job offer from a customer at the bank when he learns the trader position is incentive based and involves buying and selling. Before this incident, Bob Hopkins is unaware of any poor dealings occurring in the company. Hopkins faces a dilemma at his company when his associates want him to make a risky and unethical decision. Hopkins is left with two options: removing himself from the White Lumber Company to avoid possible legal situations or keeping his position and fulfilling the order of construction
he took a step toward Jack, who turned and faced him,”(93). Ralph is trying to maintain the authority of the group and some people losing faith in being rescued turning on each other, that Jack is losing faith in being rescued and turning to the other sides of him we meet in the story because of the islands affect on him turning him into a more savage dangerous type while others like Ralph are trying to keep hope and be civilized. Furthermore, later in the book seems though conditions are heightened tensions when, “Can’t they see? Can’t they understand? Without the smoke signal we’ll die here?
As an American democracy we operate within a republic, in which we elect representatives on each state to vote for us. We do this by using the electoral system that Madison envisioned in the document Federalist 10. In this document, Madison warns us on the dangers of factions.
“In absence of orders, go find something and kill it” Erwin Rommel world war II 7th panzer division general. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with lord of the flies but it does. When these boys are in left alone they start fighting and pick sides. In the Second World War people picked sides. These boys go into a small war of their own and it is brutal and has one evil over powering faction in this book the history’s most notorious generals, leaders, and even dictators are represented by these boys.
In the story “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, he shows how the boys lost all innocence and civilization. The boys went from having innocent child minds to taking lives of other people, acting savage, and losing all civilization due to problems on the island. The boys had forgotten where they came from and became savage in order to survive; it was the need of survival that caused the loss of innocence among the boys.
I woke up to the sound of sirens, getting louder and louder each second. A state of panic filled my neighborhood. My heart dropped to my stomach as I watched my neighbor get strapped onto a stretcher and rushed out of the neighborhood to the nearest hospital. As I sat there, holding my neighbor’s two young boys in my arms, I realized that those sirens had awakened me and opened my eyes to a world that a child could not understand. In this single moment, I was maturing and preparing myself for adult-like responsibilities.
“We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we 're capable of” (Phil McGraw) one once said. In Lord of the Flies the characters wear a social mask that opposes their true feelings. Written by William Golding, the story revolves around a group of boys who become stranded on an island and must depend on themselves to survive. They elect a chief, a boy named Ralph. However, as the story progresses, the group become influenced by Jack, an arrogant choir chapter boy. Intriguingly, although they desire to be with Jack and join his tribe, the boys remain with Ralph for most of the story. The rhetorical triangle, which analyzes a speaker or writer based on three ideas- ethos, pathos, and logos-, helps many to better understand the children’s actions and mentality; ethos focuses on the credibility and ethics of the speaker while pathos concerns how the speaker appeals to the emotions of the audience and logos is about the speaker’s use of evidence to appeal to the audience’s sense of reason. The boys stay with Ralph because of Ralph’s use of ethos but prefer to be with Jack because of Jack’s use of pathos and ethos which shows Golding’s message- humans were masks.
LONDON-Yesterday, 47 British boys who went missing one month ago after their plane was gunned down were found on an inhabited island in the southern Pacific Ocean. The pilot and three children are dead.
The Boys consider the island a good island because it has the essentials of what they need to survive. They have clean water, trees they could use to build a shelter and they are protected from warfare. They were lucky to be on an island that provides clean water, because without it they will die. Also there's pigs on the island that they can use as food.