
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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A symbol in literature is an object or idea that has a representation beyond the literal meaning of the object. Symbols add meaning and further a point the author is trying to make. In A Raisin in the Sun, Mama’s plant represents her dream. The play is written by Lorraine Hansberry, and it is a drama. It features an African American family from the Southside of Chicago. They live in an apartment with one window. Mama, the mother of the family has a dream of owning her own house. Throughout the entire play, Mama’s plant was mentioned. The plant continued to change as Mama’s dream was affected. Mama has always dreamed of owning her own house. When she receives her husband’s life insurance check, she decides to use that money for her dream. With …show more content…

Mama’s plant sits on the windowsill. Her plant isn’t exposed to much light due to the fact the window is small and there is only one.. Because of this, the plant is very weak. “She crosses through the room, goes to the window, opens it, and brings in a feeble little plant growing doggedly in a small pot on the windowsill” (Hansberry 1.1.39). Mama goes on to say, “Lord, if this little old plant don’t get more sun than it’s been getting it ain’t never going to see spring again“ Mama is taking care of her plant, just like she takes care of her family. The plant also serves as a comfort device for Mama. “(Coming out, going to her plant) They frightens me, Ruth. My children” (Hansberry 1.1.40). Mama uses her plant when she is in distress. To expand moving is another way the plant grows. Beneatha questions Mama about bringing the plant to the new house. Mama responded with, “It expresses ME!” (Hansberry 2.3.120). The plant is almost a part of Mama. She feels as though she can not leave it behind. The plant will be brought to the new house. It is now the time the plant will get a new house along with Mama. There will be more windows and possibly even a garden. Just like Mama’s dream, the plant will grow. It will no longer be dried up. The plant can now flourish like it was meant to. With more windows, there will be more light and fresh

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