
Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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A Raisin in The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry is a play about an African-American family whose father passed away unexpectedly. With that passing came the money that is guaranteed when you invest in a life insurance plan. After receiving the money, Mama decided that she wanted to use some of the money to get out of their cramped apartment. When Mama attempts to put the down payment on the house, she is greeted by white members of a nearly entirely white neighborhood. They attempt to bribe her out of the area, because they did not want to live in the same area as Black-Americans. The play's name is reflected or represented throughout the play in a multitude of ways. A Raisin in The Sun is a line take from the poem Harlem by Langston Hughes. When you read the play you notice right away the below average living conditions, but you also recognize that at the time of this play that Black people were treated like animals. Some …show more content…

To answer that question we must first understand the meaning of deferred. To defer is to put off or to postpone, according to Merriam-webster. Mama has a predicament because she simply wanted the family to be happy. A dream of Mama’s was held off due to the fact that she had so many dependents, for example Bennie who wished to become a doctor has schooling fees to pay and Walter wanted a alcohol store. After much arguing and bickering, she decided that the best thing to do would be to purchase a house. This was Mama’s solution to solve the tension that was driven by the families close quarters. She also had to put off her great dream of moving to a better place and living a better life because of some prejudice White-Americans that were afraid to treat Blacks as their rightful equal. Although eventually decided to ignore the hatred that spewed from the mouths of the neighborhoods habitants and moved into the

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