
Loss Of Resilience In Persepolis

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Loss of resilience is a common theme, especially in leaders trying to survive in a life of struggles. Whereas, the situations are different, Marjane Satrapi depict her mother, Taji Satrapi in “Persepolis” similar to the way Job is depicted in the book of “Job”, as both of them struggles to continually act according to their beliefs, they became overwhelmed by the misfortune that they had to endure. Eventually, this struggle forced them to give in to the opposing authority.
Mrs. Satrapi in “Persepolis” gives in to the opposite authority because the struggles that she had to endure ultimately became over whelming for her. In the beginning of the book it is evident Mrs. Satrapi was passionate and energetic about being rebellious and working for what she believed in. The reader learns that Taji’s picture was taken and published everywhere including Iran, which placed her in a lot of danger, but she continued to protest regardless. Taji is …show more content…

It affected them differently, Taji form “Persepolis” was mostly effected mentally while job was affected physically and mentally to the same degree. In the Chapter “The trip” readers can see the emotional break down of Taji when she was crying and falling and Mr. Satrapi had to hold her up because the fundamentalist told her “Women like [you] should be pushed up against a wall and F*****, and then thrown in the garbage” (satrapi74) because she was rebelling by not wearing her veil, the fact that she was crying shows a sign of weakness. Similar to job when his body was starting to ace, he could no longer worship but he stayed in silence keeping himself from busting into anger. Not only his body was acing but Job’s heart was broken as well. Thinking that the God you serve would have never let you endure all this pain for nothing but the exact opposite is taking place. He is letting him reach his breaking point and that came as a disappointment to

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