
Lost Colony Of Roanoke Colony Essay

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The Lost Colony of Roanoke Power. The human instinct to be more dominant than the rest of your kind and draw to be the best. The Lost Colony of Roanoke was an english colony sent to be in America. Although, after a few years they need help and were left unsupervised as the leader of the tribe left for food. When he returned he found nothing for the colony had vanished. The Lost Colony of Roanoke may have vanished into the ever changing culture of Indians or was killed by leaving the colony disbanded and scattered.

Even though, the colony contained hundreds of people all of them disappeared. Furthermore, the name “Lost Colony” was given to a english establishment that sailed to the Island of Roanoke in America (“Roanoke Colony). The colony consisted of 117 people-- seventeen woman, ninety-one men and nine children (ABC-CLIO). Also, their leader, Raleigh White, had to sail back to sail back to England due to the lack if food and imminent starvation of the colony(“The Lost Colony). Though, when he returned his colony was not there; all that was left was the word “croatoan” …show more content…

The colony that was sent to Roanoke to destroy French assets in the Americas but could not sustain their way of life (Prentzas 67). Furthermore, this was one of many attempts to hurt France through American colonization. As has been noted, the words “Croatoan” and “Cro” were carved into a tree(“Roanoke Colony”). Additionally, this could to where they went or it could have been a claim of territory. Many historians believe that the “Colony migrated into the Indian culture”(“Roanoke Colony”). Realizing Raleigh might not return, the colony left the infertile island. It is likely the colonists assimilated into the Lumbee Tribe (“Roanoke Colony”). The Lumbees are a northern inland tribe. No one knows where the colonists went but there is a high chance that they assimilated into indian culture when there was no help from

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