I am writing as a concerned Loudoun County parent, with two children attending Catoctin Elementary School, and a daughter who attends JL Simpson Middle School. As you are aware, the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Purdue is visiting Catoctin Elementary school today. In the past Loudoun County schools have hosted administration officials from both political parties; however, I cannot recall a time when a major national policy announcement perceived as controversial was enacted on one of these visits during school hours.
Political visits should be nonpartisan in nature. That is, the primary visit should be to share what their role is in government, and observe the needs of the school, and its students. Most reasonable people would agree with this. I cannot fathom why the leaders of the Loudoun County Public School system would permit a visit that has been received by many as political in nature. The current state of the political climate is contentious. Inviting this into our schools is to the detriment of the children. It is unhelpful. It promotes the divisiveness that we are seeing throughout the county. Children, the most innocent of our society, should not be subjected to a media frenzy,
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Eric DeKenipp, chooses to utilize his position on social media to exacerbate the divisive rhetoric plaguing the nation. Not only is this an impediment to our local community, but it stifles progress and promotes division. Mr. DeKenipp should be encouraged to tone down his political rhetoric, and be reminded that the purpose of him serving as a school board member is to act as a steward of the educational welfare of the students within his district. Perverting this role for personal political ambition is improper and unethical. If the county does not have a Code of Ethics in place for school board members, it is strongly suggested that one be
Facts: Matthew Frayser, while in an assembly of approximately 600 students, made a speech nominating another student for elective office. Fraser used many obscenities in his speech often making a graphic sexual metaphor when referring to the candidate. Because of the incident Fraser was suspended for three days, but served only two of the three days. The Bethel School District said it, “ substantially interferes with the education process… including the use of obscene, profane language or gestures.”
Communication within the Westside School District No. 5 between the school district and the communities and families that it serves is a very dynamic process. I talked with district administrators, community members, researched pertinent information in the Arkansas State University library, and various governmental online sources and found very helpful information to include in this sociological inventory. Westside Consolidated School District No. 5 is a consolidation of primarily three school districts Bono, Cash and Egypt located in Craighead County, Arkansas in 1966 (Westside, 2017). The district also includes parts of Walnut Ridge and Alicia in Lawrence County and parts of Jonesboro in Craighead County. The district has three school buildings housing students from pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The elementary school is the school for
The meeting continued with board member Jason Hopp presenting Dr. Matthew Flannery, formerly the principal of Shiloh Hills Elementary School, for a roll call vote to approve him as the new Assistant Superintendent of the WIlson School District. Mr. Hopp spoke for approximately two minutes about the credentials, reputation, and record of quality performance that Dr. Flannery has documented during his time with the district. A five-year contract was approved on an 8-1 vote, with Mr. Martin voting “no”. It may be worth observing that Mr. Martin is known as the “no man” of the current board, and often tows one of the more conservative lines of all board members. One can speculate that he may have felt
I filed an application with Chesapeake Public School systems, so that I could become a part of an organization that values teamwork, dedication, and academic success. Chesapeake Public Schools exhibits a positive, collaborative, and cooperative learning environment not only for the students but for their employees as well. Being committed to the academic development and success with the help and support of students, parents, teachers, and other staff members is a plus to any working environment. These are great attributes for any organization to possess, which is why I chose to become a part of the Chesapeake Public School.
June 16th 2015 a public Session of the Beaufort County School Board meeting took place in the media room of Bluffton Community Library. Those that presented on the agenda were Paul Roth, Michael Rivers, Eva Anderson and Drew Davis. Roth discussed allocating money for future sports storage the district. Michael Rivers and Eva Anderson spoke on modification of physical education in primary schools and reintroducing P.E. back into the 7th grade curriculum. Drew Davis took the majority of the board meeting to a discuss a 3 year long initiative to drug test students participating in high school level sports for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. Considering students voluntary participate in sports it is not violating their 14th Amendment rights.
I hope this letter reaches you in good spirts. As stated in my previous letter that I anticipated you had time to read I expressed many concerns about Betsy DeVos. As you may know Betsy DeVos was elected as the Education Secretary. This matter is very concerning to not only students but the Education Department as a whole. I am also extremely troubled by the direction of which the county may be headed towards. I can only expect the best for students in this county being that DeVos is an advocate for charter and private schooling. My goal is for this letter to influence you take the time and look into the education and the direction of the county.
High School is an incredibly important period of life. It influences your social, academic, and personal life for four years, and prepares you for college and a career. This is the reason County Prep High School is my school of choice. County Prep's thriving social environment, challenging academic curriculum, and wide variety of electives will help me successfully carry out my plans for the future.
Time, place of meeting, and environment - The school board meeting is held at Jones Magnet Middle School, 1819 Nickerson Blvd. at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is held in the auditorium and it is open to the public. The members of the board sat next to one another on stage while the visitors sat t in the audience. There was a clear distinction between the members and visitors. The environment is very structured and the members of the Board were task orientated. There was a great sense of group cohesiveness among the members and I could see there was a great deal of respect.
This experience of addressing the needs of the fourth largest public school system in the country has provided me unique insights into the challenges faced by schools at the K-12 level, including those of English learners” 9, Energy and Environment – “Florida’s 26th Congressional District is home to some of our country’s greatest natural treasures, including the Everglades and Biscayne National Parks and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary” 10, Foreign Affairs – “I have the utmost respect for the men and women who wear our nation’s uniform and work every day to secure the freedoms and liberties we as Americans are privileged to enjoy. Our Congressional District is honored to be home to both the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Key West and Naval Air Station Key West, along with hundreds of service members who reside in South Florida” 11, Health Care – “I believe that all Americans strive for and deserve a healthcare system that is both affordable and efficient. The dramatically increasing cost of healthcare, troubling classification standards for employer provided plans, and importance of medical research are a few of my top priorities. Ultimately, affordable healthcare must be accessible to every hard-working American family. I will continue to work to ensure that our nation’s healthcare system is serving the best interests of the American people” 12, Transportation – “The need for dedicated, long-term funding for transportation and infrastructure projects is vital to alleviating the congestion problems that plague South Florida” 13, Veterans –“Our nation owes its military veterans a debt of gratitude for their service and sacrifices. Each took an oath, lived by a code, and stood ready to offer themselves in defense of their country. The lives we live today, and the freedoms we enjoy, have been preserved by their protection. Too many of these noble service
The Chicago Board of Education meets once a month to discuss issues relevant to Chicago Public Schools, entertain public comments, and make policy and fiscal decisions. Often times the Board meeting is held at Chicago Public Schools (CPS) central office at 10 a.m. However, both the timing and location of the meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 differed. The meeting was held at Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy High School at 4:30 p.m. Gwendolyn Brooks is located on the far south side of Chicago. Hosting the meeting at a CPS school has both positives and negatives. By bolding the meeting at a school it allows for a less formal atmosphere in addition to providing the opportunity to showcase some of the beautiful properties CPS possesses. However, this particular school is not easily accessible by public transportation. This may cause a problem for some stakeholders that would like to participate in the school board meeting. Furthermore, 4:30 in the afternoon is an awkward time for a meeting as it is more difficult to find childcare during the evening hours. Additionally, finding details regarding this meeting was not easy. After a search was conducted on the CPS website, there was no mention of the board meeting. Once redirected to the Chicago Board of Education Site, information regarding the location of the meeting was supplied. However there wasn’t a visible start time or information regarding if the meeting was being broadcasted on a local
The CT I was working under has been a teacher at this school for the past nine years. When asked if anything was done prior to school out in the community the look of horror was given. The CT has grandchildren that attend a different school in the county and sometimes the CT attends community events with them. Once in a while the CT might run into one of the prior or current year students.
This scenario takes place in a school district with 40 schools and 35,000 students. Its superintendent accepted a state-level position and was subsequently replaced. As families move to the suburbs, the district financially struggles to keep all four of its high schools open and considers closing one. The schoolboard approached the idea previously but faced backlash. Thus, administrators now try to resolve the problem behind closed doors. The superintendent and the schoolboard’s members has held more than one meeting about closing the school without media or members of the public present. During one of these meetings, the superintendent stated, “If any reporters show up, I will change the subject.” Although a public relations officer was appalled, at this point he said nothing.
From describing the problems that Saginaw Public Schools face regarding why the district is in a deficit the next step is to identify solutions to Saginaw Public Schools problems. The first solution to Saginaw Public Schools problems is to consolidate Arthur Hill High and Saginaw High into one high school. Under this plan one of the area high schools would have to close. The one high school would be an International Baccalaureate High school which will have an increase in science and math curriculum by offering courses in science technology and engineering. There will also be an option for students to take numerous foreign language courses and more advance placement courses which will deal with issues of equity by providing all students
The agenda was precise and followed routine procedures regarding presentation of information. As usual the local school board of Cullman City Schools was very clear and methodical in the presentation of the agenda and maintained a strong sense of professionalism throughout the meeting. The groups that asked questions and had concerns seemed to very pleased with the responses that they received from the school board. The information that was provided to the various groups and parents helped the various groups gain a better understanding of the school board’s position on specific topics all while providing a clear understanding of the overall outcome that the school is wishing to achieve. The announcement of another special called board meeting on October 9th, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. was made. This announcement was made to inform all individuals who wish to attend, the opportunity to once again be a part of the ongoing discussion and search for the next superintendent of Cullman City
As a new member of the working town of the Westview Community, Principal Joe Thompson has made a few mistakes. He has proven himself to be human and extremely fallible to his parents, students and community members. Principal Thompson did not do his homework in advance, scout out the town, nor did get to know his constituents. He did not talk to any of the current staff at the school to understand the true needs of the parents and students, which communicates to people that he is insensitive to their needs. Due to a lack of research and naivety Principal Thompson has accused the Westview Community parents of being unconcerned and uninterested parents, in their children’s educational careers and overall success.