
Louie Zamperini's Journey

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There is a saying that says, “Things happen for a reason.” This applies to Louie Zamperini who was a boy who got into mischief when he was a child. His brother Pete noticed a talent in Louie and decided to guide him into becoming a runner and help keep him out of trouble. Louie discovered his gift as he started achieving and winning races. Louie was an amazing runner and became an Olympian in Berlin. Louie was in High School when he got the opportunity to run the Olympian race. Throughout his life journey he continued to discover things about himself and others. Unfortunately, Louie’s life did not continue to be glorious for long. While in the service, Louie and his crew were out to search and try to rescue a fallen plane and as they flew …show more content…

Another characteristic of an American is striving for individuality. Discovery has led our nation to be extraordinary. In Louie Zamperini’s case he discovered many traits within himself to keep his American spirit alive while he was captured by the Japanese in prisoner of war camps. The combination of characteristics Americans encounter cause a particular trait to be distinctive. The special trait is the spirit of discovery, which inspires people of America to be creative and imagine beyond what already exists. One for example would be the first colonist who arrived in …show more content…

The discovery of America by pioneers long ago was the beginning of the frontier. Along the way, as pioneers traveled westward, they also discovered new people and languages. Native Americans were on this land already. Pioneers were a threat to their society. However, over the years, together with new people, they joined and discovered new ideas and began building this country. The trait of wanting more comes hand in hand with discovery. As more was discovered, people expected more. For example, if water was discovered, people would work on ideas to get more water out of that well. According to Made in America, Frontier life historian Darren Rutman points out, necessarily entailed a “web of reciprocal obligations and responsibilities,” Given limits of travel and communication, “how else was the world to be organized, but on the basis of the small, direct, personal? In cooperation lay the means for the subsistence of the individual” (102). To clarify, America has not been a country of total peace and freedom. Americans continue to have different opinions on the laws and order of this country, but discovered what worked then and what works now. If they had not discovered how to get along with each other, it would have been harder to move west. Pioneers were given limited access to travel and could not communicate effectively with relatives or friends right away. Pioneers had to have patience

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