Lourenço Mutarelli is a comic artist with a long and consecrated career in the Brazilian publishing market and, in more recent times, has been dedicating his talent to traditional literature, with equal or even greater success than his production within the so-called sequential art. His books draw attention not only to his quality as a text but also to the original way he produces them. Many of his works have been both public and critical success, and some have adapted versions for the movies, as in the case of the film O Cheiro do Ralo, an adaptation of the eponymous book that has been quite successful. In this way, Mutarelli can be considered as one of the most important and influential national writers of the recent years.
As stated above, Lourenço Mutarelli is recognized for having an original literary style, either in the way that his work is written, such as the way he uses the text's layout. It was precisely in his plots that this project of TCC was developed as a work to investigate one of the most striking features of his writing, the way Mutarelli makes use of
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It can be said, therefore, that we remember what actually happened, just as we remember what we choose to remember, and even what we prefer not to remember. In this way, we can see that the act of remembering opens multiple possibilities in the creation of a fictional work, and it is precisely within these possibilities that Lourenço Mutarelli articulates his ideas in the making of his work. In his texts, we see characters who lie, invent memories and create a fictitious past from real objects, others who live confused real memories that are mingling with memories of strangers, and those who simply can not
In New York City a salaryman Marco Leone lives a normal life. He works like any other person. He puts up with abuse from his boss just to pay his bills. Weeks later the office he had been working for the past seven years had a budget cut and people were going to get laid off. Marco’s boss calls him into his office to tell him the bad news, he was getting laid off. One of the employees who didn’t get laid off was a twenty-year-old woman who had just started there and all the higher ups like her.
This celebration started off 2500-3000 years ago that was created by ancestors of Indigenous nations to commemorate the death of their family members. This celebration has dated back from an Aztec festival for the goddess Micteccachihualti and has become a national symbol for the nation. The Mciteccachihualti was a queen of the dead in which the people of this time used skull as the Mayan and Aztec traditions. The origins of the day of the dead begins in ancient Mesoamerica cultures and arrives in Mexico in the early 1500s. The skeleton images are associated with this holiday, such as Calaveras made with sugar and decorated with bright colors that establish a unique Mexican style of art. The skeleton was used to represent the dead playfully ridiculing the living in ancient rituals. The day of the dead is celebrated on November 1st. on this day we commemorate the deaths of the infants or children who passed away and on November 2nd. It is referred to commemorate all adults who passed away.
“Pur dicesti, o bocca bella” was composed by Antonio Lotti, who was born on January 5, 1667 in Venice, Italy. In 1862 Lotti began studying with Lodovico Fuga and the notable composer Giovanni Legrenzi, who worked at St Mark's Basilica, Venice's most important church. One of his first known musical jobs was as an extra singer for the fraternity of Santa Cecilia when it was newly established at St. Mark's basilica. On May 30, 1689, Antonio Lotti was hired as a regular alto singer. After this position, Antonio Lotti continued to make his way to the top as assistant to the second organist in 1690, second organist in 1692, first organist in 1704, temporary primo maestro di cappella in 173, and finally, permanent primo maestro di cappella, which
“You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You’re looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God!” -Ted Bundy
Power; everyone wants it, however it is limited to many. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, a woman from a extremely low class family, Mayella Ewell, convicted Tom Robinson, a well respected African- American man, of rape. In this time period, woman still had an insufficient amount of power. The color of someone's skin judged how they were to be treated, and class would continue to be an issue during the 1930’s. Mayella appeared to have power, after winning the court case, however, how much power did she actually have? The only thing that gave Mayella an advantage over Tom Robinson was the color of her skin, which is essentially considered as power. Several times throughout the book, there are hints that Mayella Ewell lacks
“According to literary legend”, when Proust visited a familiar site from his childhood to have a cup of tea, the action of dipping a small cake, called petite madeleine, into his drink resurrected long forgotten memories buried deep within his mind. Birkerts describes Proust’s experience beautifully, explaining that “a single taste suddenly swamped him with the charged-up sensation of childhood, over-powering all factual ordering, and in the light of this visceral reaction his former approaches to his remembered experience came to seem irrelevant.” He goes on to explain that a madeleine moment is not retrieved mechanically like voluntary memory because rather than intention, it’s discovered purely by chance. Furthermore, Proust’s “madeleine experience initiated for him a whole chain of association, and from this he achieved the eventual restoration of an entire vanished world.” While voluntary memory can help develop an informal timeline of events along with major details such as location, involuntary memory fills in the gaps to a greater extent or even uncovers a different timeline while restoring feelings and senses connected to the recollection.
" The author develops their claim by saying that if we don't have memory, our life would be unclear, so they use the rhetorical appeal of pathos in the form of personal
Aside from marrying into royal families. The Medici family members were Grand dukes in Florence and Tuscany. Guiliano de’ Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent’s son was Duke of Nemours. He was awarded with the title by the French king Francis I. Lorenzo de’ Medici, son of Piero the Unfortunate was Duke of Urbino. After the family’s exile he accepted the government role from his uncle Pope Leo X and took over after his uncle, Guiliano de’ Medici. Alessandro the duke of Florence, he was the illegitimate son of Pope Clement VII but Lorenzo de’ Medici was his real father. He was named as Duke of Florence in 1532. Cosmso I was made to be Grand duke of Tuscany after Alessandro was murdered. Francesco I, Grand Duke of Tuscany was the second duke of
The education and interior acting cabinet secretary, Fred Matiangi has at last spoken about his fierce conversation with Moses Wetangula on the phone.
Baroque is a style of art that was influenced by the papacy in Rome, with sculptor and architect Gianlorenzo Bernini behind the rise of the popular period of the style. The view of the Baroque style has changed over time, but during the seventeenth century it was considered as having a dramatic and theatrical essence. Gianlorenzo Bernini was a prodigal architect and sculptor by whom the Roman papacy employed for their empire. He is considered one of the greatest sculptors in the seventeenth century as his many masterpieces have artistically influenced an entire age of an empire. Gianlorenzo Bernini captured the characteristics of the Baroque in his art as he achieved theatrical effects by bringing together various media.
“I solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.” But what is truth? No possible way exists for there to be a completely unfiltered recollection of the past. Whether consciously or not, events can be warped and distorted into stories with exaggerated details, fragmented incidents, and whatever specifics keep the self image we feel the need to maintain. All of these elements are seen throughout Maus, with both Art, the author, and Vladek Spiegelman exemplifying complications of truth. The subtle and not so subtle instances of truth manipulation can consistently be seen throughout the books, which cause the questioning of what can be considered reality in all literature. Whether consciously or not, truth is manipulated in literature, since perfect memories cannot be recalled, as seen in Maus.
In 1921, Giovanni Alessi and his brother began the Fratelli Alessi Omegna (Alessi Brothers Omegna), otherwise known as the FAO engineering workshop in Omegna, northern Italy. They began by making tableware and household objects made out of copper, brass and nickel. Because all their products were hand crafted, there was a focus on high quality products. In 1932, Carlo Alessi; Giovanni Alessi’s eldest son; joined the company. He was responsible for most of the products produced between the mid 1930’s and 1945. Towards the end of 1945, one of the most iconic Alessi products was designed and made; the “Bombé” tea and coffee service set. In 1950, Carlo Alessi becomes the General Manager of Alessi. At this time, the decision to replace soft metals;
My paper will argue that in Anne Michael 's Fugitive Pieces, personal memories, meaningful images that are limited and subjective to one person, influences Jacob to discover coping mechanism to deal with his pain of remembering and to provide him with a moral compass from using his imagination to remember his past.
Starbucks is a business that has been around since 1971 serving a various amount of coffee for people all around the United States. This business started in the city of Seattle with getting port of coffee from around the world. Today they are international business getting in approximately $11 billion dollars a year. With this being said Starbucks is a very high pace, high traffic environment with all the stores giving a home feel to them so when you order coffee you don’t feel like you even left your house.
The Crucible was a story that took place in Salem. The year was 1953, it was a horrible place to be in at this time. Many people were being accused of being witches, and being sent to prison or getting hung. This story was full of lies, and also confessing to the truth. Many characters in this story showed courage, weakness, and told the truth. For example, a character that showed all 3 qualities was John Proctor. This story has many ups and downs and did not end well for some characters.