
Lourenço Mutarelli Research Paper

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Lourenço Mutarelli is a comic artist with a long and consecrated career in the Brazilian publishing market and, in more recent times, has been dedicating his talent to traditional literature, with equal or even greater success than his production within the so-called sequential art. His books draw attention not only to his quality as a text but also to the original way he produces them. Many of his works have been both public and critical success, and some have adapted versions for the movies, as in the case of the film O Cheiro do Ralo, an adaptation of the eponymous book that has been quite successful. In this way, Mutarelli can be considered as one of the most important and influential national writers of the recent years.

As stated above, Lourenço Mutarelli is recognized for having an original literary style, either in the way that his work is written, such as the way he uses the text's layout. It was precisely in his plots that this project of TCC was developed as a work to investigate one of the most striking features of his writing, the way Mutarelli makes use of …show more content…

It can be said, therefore, that we remember what actually happened, just as we remember what we choose to remember, and even what we prefer not to remember. In this way, we can see that the act of remembering opens multiple possibilities in the creation of a fictional work, and it is precisely within these possibilities that Lourenço Mutarelli articulates his ideas in the making of his work. In his texts, we see characters who lie, invent memories and create a fictitious past from real objects, others who live confused real memories that are mingling with memories of strangers, and those who simply can not

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