Love and Relationships
Is it true that love conquers all?
The pages of history are filled with accounts of love's conquests. From the Northern to the Southern hemisphere, from the sun's rising in the East to its setting in the West, love has travelled far and wide and has yet to quench its thirst. There have been periods in the past where love's power and influence has gone unrivalled by any other force, natural or otherwise. I remember sailing to a now submerged continent that love had conquered absolutely and where it had set up a dictatorship. The people were subjected to the ever-changing whims of love; they would be ordered to watch sunrises and sunsets and instead of sleeping during the night they would be made to stare longingly into the eyes of their partner. At other times, they were ordered to go without food and instead made to serenade parters from below their windows, come rain or shine. Others were made to faint at the sight of their loved ones and often injured themselves upon impact with the ground or the edge of a table or chair. Thanks to love's excesses people were sleep deprived, riddled in bruises, constantly catching colds and flu as well as suffering from diseases associated with malnourishment. So in summary, yes love can
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This is all a little sudden for me. I mean it's a 7 season TV series with nearly 15 episodes per season for a total running time of 105 hours. That's a big investment and I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment. I want to take things slower and at a more even pace. Yes I want to be spontaneous too but to call in sick and then hole up in a house for a week gorging ourselves seems like a kind of madness. Will we even be able to remember it when we're done? I want to look forward to it and it feels like it will become a chore or something to persevere with. Don't get me wrong I want to share boxsets with you too but... Oh hell, I just need some time to think about
Love is the strongest four letter word know to man. It can be sharper than a sword and more effective than a grenade. On the other hand, love can a sustaining effect even ooze
“The greatest thing in life is love, and be loved in return” (Eden Ahbez). “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (Cor 13:7). Love also influences all things. It is a powerful force that drives people to do things they would normally not do. In the news, there are several instances of murder in the name of love or robbing a bank because a person needs money for the person they love. There are also everyday instances of moving cross country for the person you love, leaving the person you love just to see them happy, or choosing another career path just to be with your significant other. In the literary works The Epic of Gilgamesh and Medea. Gilgamesh and Medea prove
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage” (Lao Tzu). In the myths Nanabush Creates the World, Orpheus and Eurydice and Savitri and Satyavan, they all have someone that they love. Their loved ones may be their weakness, however, the bravery they have comes from their loved ones. There are different kinds of loves exist whether it is in the past or in the present. Loves are everywhere, it is just how you see it. For example, love in a family can make one’s family strong and reliable and love between wife and husband can make create trust and responsibility. No matter what they must go through, they always willing to save each other.
Love is one of the most influential entities on Earth. Love convinces people to perform many tasks they otherwise would not have even considered performing. Some people yearn for love so deeply that love can turn people into inhumane, bitter, creatures with no mercy or compassion toward others. Other people may think that the feeling of love will last for a while and then dissipate over the time the couple spends together until the relationship becomes dull and unhealthy. These toxic relationships can be found everywhere and can greatly lower the quality of one’s life; by introducing poor decisions and hatred into their life.
For instance, Benedict Carey says that love causes people to tune out everyone except their lover: “New love can look for all the world like mental illness, a blend of mania, dementia and obsession that cuts people off from friends and family and prompts out-of-character behavior- compulsive phone calling, serenades, yelling from rooftops- that could almost be mistaken for psychosis.” (Doc B). The severe effects of love had caused Romeo and Juliet to obsess over each other, to an extent at which they cared for no one else except each other. Since Romeo and Juliet did not have phones, they had the compulsive urge to meet each other in person. At the same time, both of them seemed as if they forgot about their parents and their closest friends (Romeo and Benvolio). If their brains didn’t tune out their families and friends, they could have been given advice which may have resulted in their survival. Moreover, Helen Fisher claims that love is an addiction whether it is going well or going miserably: “I’ve also come to believe that romantic love is an addiction: a perfectly wonderful addiction when it is going well, and perfectly horrible addiction when it’s going poorly.” (Doc C). As stated by Fisher, love is addicting and keeps people clung on to it, no matter what the circumstances may be. In this case, Romeo and Juliet were not able to let go of each other
Love is supposedly such a strong force that a couple would die to be together
Throughout life we all encounter love and the crazy things it made us all go through. The majority of people have said, at one time or another, “I can’t go on without so and so” or “There is nobody out there like so and so.” Some individuals have even gone to the point of committing crimes or hurting each other/themselves. The overpowering force of love is an exertion of control that takes over our emotions. This force causes us to act, think, feel, and do things that we would normally not do. But what if you add “power” into the equation? The power to control or make someone fall in love with them, and be their significant other? In the novel Kindred, by Octavia Butler, Rufus learns this the hard way, after inheriting power over slaves; he was caught between love and reality. Where Alice, the one Rufus loved, was in love with another man; but Rufus being the slave owner, had the power to make her love him…or so he thought.
Love is a feeling that most people, if not all people want. Everyone wants to be loved by someone and that someone wants to be loved back. There are 2,118,000 marriages each year in the United States according to the CDC. This shows us that there is tons of people that love each other around the world. In Greek mythology there are plenty of people who love each other. Although on the other hand, love is a willing feeling. In the stories of Europa, The Flower Myths, and Creusa all show that you can not force someone to love you. Know matter how hard you try, love is compleatly voluntary.
Love is a powerful thing. It is a force within the universe that cannot be dictated or demanded. Love is free. It is not something that can be bought or sold and has no boundaries. Some will experience love several times in their lifetime, while others will search the earth to find it perhaps just once.
Love is banished through the act of mental conditioning of its citizens. This is used to prioritize promiscuity and instant gratification, which releases endorphins in the brain that make the action extremely addictive. Jack Rendler, a human rights activist, explains this concept in great depth. “In most of the world over the past 40 years, a government’s legitimacy, even survival, has become dependent upon respect for the fundamental rights of its people. Just 20 years ago, the stability and integrity of a government was measured by how well it could control its citizens; today, the very need to exert such control is a hallmark of instability and desperation” (Rendler
Can human live without love? The answer is evidently no. Love can be defined as: the most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Margaret Atwood, the author of the outstanding dystopian fiction the handmaid 's tale (1985) had once in her book said: " nobody dies from lack of sex. It 's lack of love we die from.” In this novel, Atwood specifically depicts a society where relationships have been altered, undermined and in many ways forbidden. The key word in the issue of relationships is love. In the Republic of Gilead, a form of theocratic government, women had lost their ability to love. The protagonist Offred is a handmaid whose sole purpose in life is to reproduce a child. Gilead expects its handmaids to have faith in its commandments, but has removed love and hope from them. Women became objects and sex slaves to men. Therefore, the relationships of the protagonist Offred are unhealthy as well as abnormal, yet they are source of hope for Offred to survive from this theocratic form of government. Her relationship with the commander is strained but profitable, her relationship with Serena Joy has lots of tensions and conflicts; and her relationship with Nick is subtle as well as controversial.
bell hooks in “Love as the Practice of Freedom” explains thoroughly as to how love is the form to be liberated. Without any love society is blind and continues to practice systems of domination without being aware. However the community should look out for one another not just when a problem impacts an individual. Everyone must be aware of the systems of domination- imperialism,sexism,racism, and classism to create change. When radical love is comprehended it allows the destruction of oppression,exploitation and there is liberation
Love exists in the short story “The Bear Came Over the Mountain” by Alice Munro and in the short story “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver. in Munro’s short story the plot is that of a mentally ill wife, Fiona, who falls in love with another patient while her husband still tries to hang on to their old love. Her husband eventually wants to have an affair with the wife of the man his wife is having an affair with. Their love changed because of their circumstances due to ill health. Carver’s story discusses the different definitions of love due to the type and quality of relationships; everyone has a different definition. Love also exists all over the world within different environments and cultures. The concept of love depends upon the environment in which it inhabits. Love is dependent on the life of the people in love and it also depends on their current environment. Nature and nurture are also huge factors into the development and process of love. What nature and nurture mean is whether it is due to how the person lives and acts along with their personality compared to whether it’s all in their genetics beforehand. Love is more on the nurture side instead of the nature side of human experience.
Love can make people people do weird things, like make hundreds of paper airplanes in the short movie paperman. The theme of the short movie made by Walt Disney animation studios Paperman is about the complicated pursuit of love and how when it's sought after enough, it can find it's way. for example at 1:00 when their eyes first met gave the man a heart dropping feeling in his stomach because once her looked away she was leaving on a train and he thought he might not see her again. He had this feeling because he saw something in that girl and he thought he might never see her again.or when he was doing is work at his lousy office job at 1:25 when his red lipstick paper almost flew out the window he saw the girl. She was across buildings he
Is it that love really can conquer and take over all? As I watched this movie, I