
Love Between Romeo And Juliet True Love Or Infatuation?

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Is the love between Romeo and Juliet true love or infatuation?

In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, the two immature lovers display a childish fanaticism based chiefly on physical attraction. Between the turbulence of Romeo’s emotions and hasty development of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, it is doubtful that the superficial crush could possibly be genuine. Furthermore, the entire play is based off a series of impulsive actions committed by the couple as they blindly reject everything to pursue a lustful relationship.

Throughout the play, it is apparent that Romeo and Juliet are both simple-minded children who are unfamiliar to the realm of authentic love, unable to distinguish between lustfulness and true love.
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Upon examination of the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet, it can be noted that the two hardly talk about anything aside from each other’s pulchritude, their love for one another, and plans for the future. This suggests that perhaps the children’s affection is not sincere – they know close to nothing about their partner, and are not eager to learn anything either, but without knowledge of deeper details about a husband or wife, it can be difficult for a relationship to be more than a superficial crush.
Additionally, the rashness of progression in the play leads the couple to commit several selfish and impetuous actions. For example, when Romeo kills Tybalt he is motivated solely by a wish for revenge, which clouds his better judgment; after slaying a man, he despairs because he is away from his Juliet, rather than because he had just murdered a man. Both Romeo and Juliet also fake, attempt, or commit suicide more than once in order to threaten others or in an exaggerated bout of desperation, without ever considering the grief they would put on other people if they died – only trying to terminate their own

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