Love is “an intense feeling of attraction”. This is how Webster’s Dictionary defines love. It is much more complicated than that though, or maybe we just make it out to be more complicated, either way it’s hard to explain. A few words that characterize love for me are sacrifice, safe, comfortable, commitment, selfless, trust, and bond. Love is more than just a word, it’s an action. It is accepting and appreciating someone for who they are regardless of their flaws and trusting that you’ll stick by one another through thick and thin. It’s caring about another person’s well-being and happiness more than your own. There are different ways of expressing your love for another person. There is the romantic love, where there is sexual chemistry …show more content…
Before picking out my songs I had to ask myself how I was going to analyze them. I thought about what kind of artists I wanted to use. Did I want to use males or females, old or young? Should I pick songs that are about new relationships emerging, old ones growing closer, old ones being maintained, old ones growing apart, or relationships that are ending? Am I going to use songs about romantic love or the friend/family kind of love? Should the songs I pick have a positive or negative opinion about love? What kind of message do I want the songs to portray? What do these songs mean to me? These are all questions I asked myself going into this assignment as well as while I was analyzing the songs. I decided that I was going to use songs that had a little bit of all of these in them. I didn’t want to use just males or just females because personally I think that men and women sometimes have a different definition of the word love itself so I didn’t want to get just one side of that. Also, I didn’t want to pick just new relationships instead of new and old because again, love might seem different than how it really is. When you first get into a relationship it’s always fun and wonderful and two people against the world kind of thing, whereas people that have been in a relationship for a long time know that that’s not how it always is. There is always going to be ups and downs, that’s life. I wanted
Love is a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person (Dictionary 1). Love is what is known as the “universal language”. There are so many ways love can be interpreted. The central message that the comfort humans receive, and the shyness they feel for an individual are compartments of love that may not always be touched on in poetry.
One of my favorite songs is, “Love Yours” by J. Cole. He is one of my favorite artists and his words are very lyrical. In this song, he is speaking as a first-person narrator. Jermain Cole AKA J. Cole was born in Frankfurt, Germany but moved to North Carolina when he was an infant. He credits Tupac as one of his major influences on his music. Growing up he didn’t have much but on his birthday, he asked his mom for a beat machine. He started out in producing music, but then used his rap on his own beats throughout high school. When he was fourteen, he had two mentors that gave him his stage name “Therapist” for his soulful flow and rhymes. After graduating high school, he moved to the Big Apple to attend St. John University on scholarships.
Love can be expressed in many different ways. There is the undying love of a mother for her child. There is the casual love between two best friends that are often defined as loyalty. There is the love of a song or a color or a hobby. One of the most common ways of expressing love is the love between two people who respect and care for one and other, who feel deep affection for and have a healthy relationship with each other, where the feelings are mutual.
Love is a very important thing in life. By definition, it is an intense feeling of deep affection. I have a story in my life that I recall and that relates to love. I met a girl that changed my life in every way imaginable. I love her and she loves me. I have never felt so happy and vivacious in my life. She fills me with happiness with each glance. I fell in love from the very first sight of her. Every day with her is a new adventure. Love can sometimes be described as that feeling that makes you feel unexplainable. That is what she does to me. I cannot describe how I feel about her, it is too much of a challenge. The way she makes me feel is so hard to describe. We do everything together, and I enjoy every single second I get to spend with her. She has changed my life in various ways. She has made me a better person. She has changed some of my outlooks on life. She has made me understand the master plan of life itself.
Have you ever felt the feeling of butterflies in your stomach or heard the phrase “my heart skipped a beat for you”? As children, we grew up learning from our elders and experiencing new beginnings in life. Much of our knowledge has been brought upon by what we see and hear, rather of what we know. Many important decisions we make in our life has to do with what our feelings show us. Love is an important matter in our life because it motivates us in different ways. Love can be shown through emotions or even through actions. What is a valuable definition of love? A brief definition of love can be said to be a variety of different feelings or attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure. In other words, to me love is when
Every day on the radio, there is bound to be a love song playing somewhere. These types of songs can seem upbeat and happy, but that is just the music playing behind the lyrics. The music in these songs are written in a major key which make the song sound lively and cheerful. Even with the darkest meaning behind the lyrics, the music can give off different perspectives. Many people believe that love songs are about love but in reality some of those songs have a depressing story behind them. Many love songs are not love songs at all if one examines the lyrics.
Love is an affection, and attraction, loving someone or something one cannot live without, a value towards another person or thing. Love is more than just an emotion it a passion one feels and is indescribable. This is true of The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Love is a powerful feeling that can bring even the people with the most power, wealth and success to their knees. Love is a sensational and once in a lifetime feeling.
This song shows Gillespie and Parker in fine form on a medium rhythm AABA piece. Gillespie matches, and seemingly outplays Parker. When they perform together they seem to express the tune with a single “voice”. Gillespie is the leader of this session. "Hot House" is based on the chord changes to "What is This Thing Called Love," a song written by Cole Porter.
Love is a force that inspires us to feel more, do more, and sometimes sacrifice for the object of our attention. Poems, music, relationships are all written in the name of love. There are six kinds of love, according to the ancient Greeks:
Where is the love? Is the name of the Black Eyed Peas song that made its debut in 2003, 12 years have passed still till this day this song is relevant to what is going on in our world. The name is just so intriguing it makes the audience wonder what is going to be said and what is the song about? Is it just another love song or can it be about something else? It captures the audience immediately.
The song “Where Is The Love” by the Black Eyed Peas is a very heartfelt prayer for the healing and suffering in the world and society that we live in. I feel like the song is about exactly what the title is asking. Where is the love? Sometimes we have to stop, look around us and think about the relationships we have with other people. Are our relationships built on foundations of true love, compassion and kindness? Although the songs was originally released in 2003, most of the issues the song focuses on are still relevant today, in 2017. Which really makes me wonder, where IS the love? Surely after 14 years, things would have changed. Hate and war have existed since the beginning of humanity. Crime is an enormous part of our society, in the past and in the present. Imagine a world that is crime free, the perfect utopia. A world where everyone accepts their neighbour for the person they truly are, without racism, without judgement, without oppression. “Where is the love?” recognizes chaos in a broken world, intoxicated with violence and hate.
By definition; love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be interrupted in many ways. Were we ever taught love or is it just a natural feeling towards a person? Some say you'll know the meaning of love when you fall in love, yet some don't believe in love at all.
Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about, and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently. Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in many different ways.
Love is also defined in the dictionary as "strong affection," "warm attachment," and "unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for others" (439). All of these definitions are completely correct, but the dictionary does not explain how it feels to love someone. The reason that an explanation for this feeling is not found in the dictionary may be because love is so different for each individual person. In my experience, "strong affection" does not even begin to cover the sensation and emotions a person feels when he or she is in love. Love is compared to "the extraordinary sun / splashing its light / into astonished trees" in Denise Levertov's "Love Poem" (2-4). Like the sun, love is great and bright and fills a person with extreme joy. Love is greater than anything else a person could ever experience. A lover can even be better than a summer's day, as the speaker in Shakespeare's poem suggests. He compares his lover to a summer's day by saying that she is "more
Love- “A feeling or disposition of deep affection or fondness for someone, typically arising from a recognition of attractive qualities, from natural affinity, or from sympathy and manifesting itself in concern for the…” (Oxford English Dictionary).