
Low Income Families Essay

Decent Essays

An economic effect low income families face is not affording health-care. According to the Health Affairs research article by Nancy E. Alder and Katherine Newman, social class or socioeconomic status is “linked to a wide range of health problems, including low birthweight, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.” Not only are low income families unable to afford health care but they are at a higher risk of acquiring a health problem. Some of the causes of high health problems in low income families are due to the use of tobacco, toxic agents, lack of activity and diet (Alder and Newman). The determinant factor of this cause is families standing social class. Low income families are unaware of the risk factors, …show more content…

As stated in the Education and Socioeconomic Status article “research indicates that children from low-SES households and communities develop academic skills more slowly compared to children from higher SES groups”. In fact, low social class families receive the most poorly education because of their economic status. “The school systems in low-SES communities are often underresourced, negatively affecting students’ academic progress (Aikens & Barbarin, 2008)” (American Psychology Association), this research findings demonstrates the inequality on education between social class families. Furthermore, low income families can’t afford to provide their children a better or needed education for their children. The American Psychology Association, states that “families from low-SES communities are less likely to have the financial resources or time availability to provide children with academic support. As a result of these families’ financial situation, they tend to always stay in the low social class stage because of their economical situations. Parents are unable to provide their children with the right education and when they graduate from High School it’s unlikely for them to go to college because of the limit support for their parents. Because of this families continue to be in the lower-class level. Therefore, social class drastically impacts low income families

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