
Lowell High School Student Case Study

Decent Essays

Although you may remember me as Valedictorian of the Lowell High School Class of 2015, I am writing this letter from the prospective of a concerned sister. Isaac Stinnett is my younger brother. In light of the recent settlement of the lawsuit between my family and the Tri-Creek School Corporation, I am eager to discuss the changes that should be implemented into school policy as a result from learning from Isaac and his case. With regards to the manner in which Isaac was treated concerning his numerous truancies, such behavior was simply unacceptable. During the attendance court hearing, you may recall that Judge Buckley asked to hear from Isaac himself as to why he was not attending school. Isaac was honest in his response, vulnerably sharing …show more content…

This condition affects Isaac’s ability to cope with the demands of everyday life, meaning daily tasks – such as getting out of bed in the morning and making it to school – can be extremely difficult for him. Indeed, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states mental illness may impair a person’s everyday functioning and their ability to relate with others. The implications of depression reach far beyond merely feeling sad. NAMI asserts, “Depression is more than just feeling sad or going through a rough patch. It’s a serious mental health condition that requires understanding, treatment and a good recovery plan.” Such a serious diagnosis is attributed to a number of factors, including those which are genetic, environmental, and lifestyle. As you can see, Isaac is not a juvenile delinquent defiantly choosing to skip school. Isaac is a mentally ill young man coping with the difficulties of depression as best he …show more content…

In addition to changes in attitude, changes in school policy can better the lives of mentally ill students by ending the discrimination in which they encounter in academic settings. Education in the form of professional development training and seminars can be utilized to achieve a safe and non-judgmental learning environment with the proper accommodations for mentally ill students. This course of action will be greatly beneficial to both the academic and social climates of Lowell High School. With a staff educated on how mental illness effects students inside and outside the classroom, they are then able to treat mental ill students with the respect, dignity, and compassion that is needed for both their personal and academic wellness. Such behavior also elicits change in how 504 plans are executed for mentally ill students. Emphasizing the importance of the implementation and strict adherence of the 504 plan to faculty is of the utmost importance. Following this protocol ensures that Lowell High School faculty and the 504 plan are giving mentally ill students the best chance for academic success, despite their medical

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