
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections As Stated By Reissig Et Al Essay

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Pulmonary Case Study and Plan of Care Lower respiratory tract infections as stated by Reissig et al. (2013) account for a large number of deaths worldwide and when present in individuals with comorbidities like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) create a greater impact for the risk of morbidity. Mrs. A. A. is a 65-year-old Caucasian female with a dry cough present times 2 weeks with low grade fevers and a history of emphysema. She presents to the clinic today worried about the duration of her illness. Subjective Date: Client Complaint “I’ve had a cough for two weeks now and a little fever. My throat is also hurting and I’m worried I may have pneumonia or even lung cancer.” History of Present Illness Mrs. A. is complaining of a dry cough for 2 weeks with exertional shortness of breath including, a low grade fever and a sore throat present in the morning. She reports she has orthopnea with the need to sit up right to breathe easier. Mrs. A. explains she had a similar episode 3 months ago in which she was treated with inhalers and antibiotics but refused hospitalization. Past Medical History Mrs. A.’s medical history includes, a diagnosis of emphysema and asthma as a child. Drug allergies include, Sulfa medications causing a rash. The client denies taking any prescription medications but reports taking over-the-counter Tylenol as needed for pain. Reports surgical history of hysterectomy in “1970’s.” Significant Family History The client has two living

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