
Loyalists At The Outbreak Of The Revolution Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Loyalists at the Outbreak of the Revolution, 1775-1776

This article was a collection of different stories from either the colonies or the loyalist that was living in the United States. According to my understanding, this text shows the division in America during this period.

It illustrates how everybody felt during this time. It’s a collection of different testimony from different people. According to Gov. William Franklin, he stated that “Every breach of the [English] Constitution, whether it proceeds from the Crown or the People, is, in its Effects, equally destructive to the Rights of both.” It shows that the effect of choosing the Independence will be bad for people. The article went further to show that people were leaving the country for their safety. Isaac Wilkins stated in this document, “I leave America and every endearing connection because I will not raise my hand against my Sovereign nor will I draw my sword against my Country. When I can conscientiously …show more content…

Women helped during this time because they produced goods for the soldiers, some of them became nurses to help, and some spied on the British. The article demonstrated that “Before 1776, women did not participate enough in conflict over land, religion, taxes, local politics, or commercial transaction.” It showed that the revolution gave them a little freedom to participate in the social affairs.

The author of this article is Joan Hoff Wilson, and she is a history professor who focused on the women's studies. This document is intended for women to see what women during this American Revolution did to support the country. She shows that even there were restrictions on what women can do, during this time, the women took it upon themselves to help out and show that they are part of the

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