
Loyalty And Family: Vladek Spiegelman

Decent Essays


Vladek Spiegelman is a complex and paradoxical character. Throughout Mause, his personality and ultimately his humanity shows itself in his choices, words, and actions. He survived a war, put himself at risk for his family, and fearlessly protected his loved ones, yet he still manages to be irritable, miserly, and selfish. However, while he may not be in an admirable pinnacle of righteousness, he is cunning, brave, and above all loyal to his family. He is flawed, and, as a human, has every right to be so.

Loyalty and Family:

Greed and Selfishness:

Despite his previous heroism, Art Spiegelman depicts the older form of his father as, for the most part, selfish and argumentative. His minor avarice from his youth seems to have wholly

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