
Loyalty In Beowulf In The Germanic Heroic Code

Decent Essays

Beowulf exemplifies arguably the greatest characteristic one could bestow throughout the medieval tale, loyalty. Loyalty is a vital characteristic among those listed in the Germanic Heroic Code. From the beginning of Beowulf to the end, loyalty seems to influence nearly all of his actions.
In the early lines of the poem we learn Beowulf has arrived at the Danish Kingdom to aid Hrothgar as a repayment for the service Hrothgar provided for Beowulf’s father. Beowulf was loyal to repayment that he owed Hrothgar. Upon Beowulf’s arrival, Hrothgar welcomes him, “Beowulf, you've come to us in friendship, and because of the reception your father found at court” (191-192)
Beowulf illustrates loyalty again when he speaks with Hrothgar’s queen, Wealtheow.

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