Normally when people think of the play Romeo and Juliet, they think of love as it’s central component; Star crossed lovers who meet a tragic end because of a family fude. Not only is this play an investigation into the nature of true or not so true love, it's so much more. Shakespeare plays around with the idea of loyalty. Different kinds of loyalty are pited against each other from friends and family to love and the state. Different characters have to decide where their loyalties lie, and what happens when people's loyalties are different or not strong enough, or perhaps even too strong. Shakespeare also loved to experiment with time. Keep track of how many days the story plays out in. Everything is high speed and high stakes, and the characters
Loyalty is the quality of showing constant and complete support to one another. It is about the people who stay behind your back like family and friends you can trust. Similarly, the play Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare shows a great deal of loyalty by Juliet, Friar Lawrence and Romeo. Loyalty and disloyalty is shown by Juliet whom betray loyalty to her parents by loving the son of their enemy, Friar Lawrence whom stays loyal to his friendship with Romeo by helping them hide the relationship and risking his life and Romeo posterior the death of Mercutio.
Loyalty plays a big part in Romeo and Juliet. Ties of loyalty are woven throughout the play, binding certain characters together. The main theme is the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet that holds an “ancient grudge” against each other: the Montague’s and the Capulet’s. Romeo’s family and friends despise Juliet’s family, the Capulet’s, and as the play progresses you will find them defending each other in the face of an enemy. Romeo and Juliet have to defy their parent’s expressive wish not to see each other, and accept the consequences of their forbidden love. They question the fact that there’s no solid fact that the two family’s hate each other: merely time has blown the feuding out of proportion.
The commitment and motivation behind our commitment usher us to make decisions and follow through actions that can eventually lead to memorable moments. In, William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the commitment shown to both Romeo and Juliet’s decisions and actions leads us to believe that love is a powerful motivator and helps solidify our commitment. Three examples shown in this tragedy of commitment to actions and decisions carried out are as follows; Romeo and Juliet getting betrothed in secret, Juliet crying over Romeo’s banishment more than Tybalt’s (her cousins) death and killing/pretending to kill themselves to be together. Commitment to our past actions and decisions can lead to great, effective moments later on in time.
Romeo and Juliet, though termed as tragedy, love is the dominating and most vital theme of this play, the whole play is intertwined on the romantic love between Romeo and Juliet at their first sight, though the love can be considered infatuation love. In this play, the lovers deny the family and the entire world and proceed with their marriage "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, I” “And I'll no longer be a Capulet" Romeo abandons his close friends, Mercutio and Benvolio and even risks his life and returns to Verona for the sake of his lady love even after being sent in exile. Love becomes a force for every incident narrated in the play. The lovers take impulsive decisions; by this, they go against the norms of this world. Juliet has no words to explain her immense love "But my true love is grown to such excess / I cannot sum up some of half my wealth"
Throughout the play, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, many different types of love are shown, however, I believe loyal, parental love, and romantic love are the most popular and influential types of love throughout the story. The Capulets and Montagues show loyalty for their house, the friar shows parental love for Romeo as the nurse shows parental love for Juliet, and Romeo and Juliet show romantic love for each other. These three types of love, loyal love, parental love, and romantic love, show many similarities to one another as they do differences.
Loyalty is the law of God. While Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet deals heavily with the hatred between feuding families, several characters display an unbreakable friendship and sense of loyalty. The Nurse, Friar Lawrence, and Mercutio, all display this sense of loyalty and friendship. The love of Romeo and Juliet, although strong as a mountain, wouldn’t have been possible without the comfort of a heavenly caretaker. The Nurse is one of the most loyal characters in Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet is very loyal to Romeo, which means she would do anything to be with him, even if it meant her death. The play Romeo and Juliet was written and published by William Shakespeare in 1597. Shakespeare first started writing the book in 1594. Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most successful tragedies he has ever written. It is also one of the most popular plays produced. Juliet is a naive child to Capulet and Lady Capulet. She is the only child now since all her other siblings have died. Juliet is a 13 year old girl who is a dynamic character and she is originally obedient, shy, and loyal until she meets Romeo at a party then her attitude towards everything changes. She is courageous and determined, but when she met Romeo she became
When Romeo and Juliet comes up in school curriculum any observer can see students eagerly signing up for roles, puzzling over Juliet’s eagerness to marry a stranger, or rehearsing their own unique interpretation of the play. In these moments students are released from the usual monotonous class period and allowed to enjoy a timeless piece of literature. While some may claim that Shakespeare is outdated or difficult to read, the positivities of including it in ninth grade curriculum far outweigh any struggles of comprehension.
Often with death, there are those who place blame. Authors often write with tragedy, love, or death. William Shakespeare wrote a lot of poems and plays. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is about two families that are in a feud but there are also two people from the opposite families that are in love. The two families are the Capulets and the Montagues. In his play, Shakespeare uses the themes of nobility and loyalty to create a great romantic tragedy.
Loyalty Plus Good Communication Equals Better Relationships Loyalty is an important characteristic in any relationship, and William Shakespeare makes that evident, but miscommunication can ruin everything. In the timeless tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet” written by famous playwright William Shakespeare, Romeo, a young Montague, sees Juliet, a fierce Capulet at a ball and it was love at first sight. They got married the next day, but on the same day Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, as an act of revenge for his best friend Mercutio. Juliet’s father told Juliet she needs to marry Count Paris, a wealthy aristocrat, so she fakes her death in order to avoid it, ultimately causing both Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves to be together forever. Shakespeare shows
Two star-crossed lovers bound by fate, yet torn apart by both families feuding over hate, witness as both Romeo and Juliet go through treacherous times and eventual sacrifice. Some people think loyalty is just having an unwavering support of a person, but the actual definition of loyalty is the quality of staying firm in your friendships. Loyalty can manifest in various forms, such as standing by someone through difficult times or simply keeping promises. In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, loyalty creates friendships between people. This theme is apparent with the characters from both family, Montague and Lord Capulet.
In order to be loyal to yourself, one may have to sacrifice relationships in the process. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, Conveys the story of Young teens, Romeo and Juliet from rival families who fall in love with each other and suffer a hard decision whether to be loyal to their family or themselves. Shakespeare shows Romeo with his one-sided love for Rosaline, resulting in him heartbroken and depressed to being lovestruck about Juliet and Juliet being obedient and reserved to being flirtatious when meeting Romeo. The development of these characters and the love Romeo and Juliet have for each other refines the central idea that loyalty to yourself is more important than loyalty to family.
In the poem, Juliet expresses three main traits: caution, passion, and loyalty. Juliet is extremely cautious when it comes to Romeus as she worries that his intentions are misguided. She demonstrates this when she proclaims, “But if by wanton love and by unlawful suit You think in ripest years to pluck my maidenhood's dainty fruit, You are beguiled.” (Lines 86-88). However, once Romeus assures her of his love for her, her loyalty can be clearly seen. Juliet vows that she will remain loyal by stating, “Both me and mine I will all whole to you betake, And following you whereso you go, my father's house forsake.” (Lines 84-85). Essentially, she would abandon her family to be with him. Finally, her passion ties in with her desires. The author notes that “of both that she rejoicéd more” and she says, “For you, mine own, once dead, what joy should I have here?” These quotes not only demonstrate her passion for Romeus, but it also proves that above all else, she desires to be
Usually everyone is loyal to somebody; whether it be a friend, family member, or a boss even. In Romeo and Juliet, loyalty plays a substantial role. Through this aspect of loyalty, relationships can be created or destroyed. It is seen by the Capulets and the Montagues. The two have many loyal members who stick up for their designated families. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet loyalty in friendship and family sets the play into motion due to characters such as Romeo and Mercutio, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet and Nurse.
Last Commitment, They love each other but Allie’s family opposed their marriage so Allie leave the town but still they are not broke up. So Noah wrote love letter every day for a year but Allie’s mother hiding from Allie. This shows Noah has commitment for her.