Individual Exercise 1 (10 Points) – You must do it alone (it is not a group activity)
Data set is on D2L with the exercise
Exercise Description:
Initial Data Exploration * A supermarket is offering a new line of organic products. The supermarket’s management wants to determine which customers are likely to purchase these products. * The supermarket has a customer loyalty program. As an initial buyer incentive plan, the supermarket provided coupons for the organic products to all of their loyalty program participants and collected data that includes whether or not these customers purchased any of the organic products. * The ORGANICS data set has 13 variables and over 22,000 observations. The variables in the data
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Point out any mismatch in your answer. (1 Point) d. Fix as needed (by clicking on role or level) any mismatch in the roles or measurement levels of variables in the above step. e. Continue with adding data source. Do not use decision processing step in the data source wizard. In the final step use data set role as Raw. f. Right-click on the data in the project panel and select Explore. Make sure you set sampling method to random and sample size to Max in sample properties. Scroll and take a look at the first 26 observations. Which variables seem to have missing values in the first 26 observations? Also, show a screenshot of at least first 26 observations. (1 Point) g. Instead of exploring data from the project panel, you will now do it from the diagram. Make sure you set sampling method to random and sample size to Max. in the options > preferences. Drag the data to the diagram. Then, right-click on the data source in the diagram. Choose edit variables. In the pop-up box, select any variable you want to explore and then click on the Explore button. 1) Select TargetBuy. Create a frequency histogram for the variable TargetBuy. Make sure the vertical axis is percentages and you display the percentage values in the histogram (hint: right-click on the graph…). Turn-in a copy of the histogram as a part of your deliverable. (1.5 Points) 2) Create a frequency
Present all relevant data in a data table below. Include an observations section for any observations you made during the lab. Make sure you note the data needs to be converted before graphing.
Project two in ECON-E 281 - APPLIED STAT FOR BUS & ECON II consisted of the students evaluating three independent variables such as Pickup Time, Delivery Time, and Mileage. The dependent variable was Cost. Only one independent variable could be selected when applying “ONLY” the p-value approach. The first step, I selected the Data then the Data Analysis tool. Next select Regression. The Input Y Range I selected the Cost data. The Input X range I selected the first independent variable Pickup time. Then check marked the boxes Labels, Confidence Level 95%, New Worksheet Ply, Residuals, and Residuals Plots. After checking the boxes I pressed OK. This gave me my first regression model. I used this process for the next two independent variables
At the bottom of SPSS, there are options to look at the data in Data View or in Variable View. I clicked on Variable View to name my variables. A list of columns appeared, but I only made changes to rows in the Name column. In row 1 under Name, I typed SubjectNo (no spaces or symbols are allowed when naming variables in SPSS) for Subject Number. I clicked back to Data View. The first column was now named SubjectNo, so I typed the list of subject numbers from 1 to 96 (1 number per row) for the number of "participants" in this study. I go back to Variable View and named row 2 as GroupNo. Under the GroupNo column, within Data View, I typed 1’s in rows 1 thru 48 and typed 2’s in rows 49-96. Group 1 was high need for cognition and group 2 was low need for cognition. I labeled the next 45 rows under GroupNO, in the Variable View, as the different item numbers: Item#1 thru Item#45. In all there was a total of 47 rows in the Variable View and 47 columns in the Data View. I clicked back into and highlighted all 4,320 integers not missing any and right clicked for a menu to pop up. In this menu I clicked COPY, then I went back to the SPSS datasheet in the Data View. Under the column labeled Item#1, I clicked on the cell in row 1 and right clicked for the Paste option. All 4,320 integers were placed correctly in the columns, Item#1-Item#45 in 96
quickly generate the reports and graphs of long statistical data by using different analysis variable. This helps the user to get the desired outcome in short span of time with less use of computing skills and knowledge which means the user doesn’t have to be a computer genius to get the reports that are necessary for the decision-making.
Refer as needed to the material in Chapters 12 and 13 of the textbook. Keep the following tips in mind as you research data, as well as organize, analyze, interpret, and illustrate these data:
7. Graph the data from Table 1: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise). You may use Excel, then “Insert” the graph, or use another drawing program. You may also draw it neatly by hand and scan your drawing. If you choose this option, you must insert the scanned jpg image here.
It is my pleasure to inform you that this letter is to recommend Mr.Bradley Kusumo for the Audit position in our company. I have had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Kusumo and learn about his professional development through out his past experience with great companies like PwC and Morgan Stanley. With great confidence I can assure you that Mr. Kusumo is a vey motivated, well responsible person with a high degree of integrity. In essence, I expect that very likely Mr. Kusumo will be good addition to the company.
These factors represent the culture of the society in which the organization operates with in. Change in social values towards healthy livings has adjusted purchasing behaviour and now people are more focusing towards organic produce. For this reason organic domestic retail sales have increased by more than 50% in the last two years from 623 million to 947 million (Keith, 2012). Availability and distribution of this healthy food have increase rapidly. Woolworths, Coles and Aldi all over Australia stock a range of private label goods.
Q7: Create a bar graph or pie chart of the data you have collected. For example, you could create a bar graph that shows the employee turnover rate in organizations that do offer flexible work arrangement compared to organizations that do not. Alternately, you could create a pie chart that shows which types of flexible work arrangement workers want the most.
Other grocers have decided to taken an alternative route to the low pricing strategy. They have decided to introduce customer loyalty programs to attract and retain customers such as advantage cards. They also use these programs to gain valuable information about their consumers. They then use this information in their marketing and operating strategies.
In terms of independent variables, by referring to the Appendix, figure 1 reveals the summary of the sample; it also
The cost of operating such a scheme are greatly reduced due to the shared cost of having multiple partners involved.
Trader Joe’s is an organic grocery food store that is one of the best known organic food chains. By listening to the consumer and adjusting to the changing consumer market, Trader Joe’s had built a brand equity that is continuously growing. Trader Joe’s faces stiff competition from other large organic food chains therefore must stand out and adapt to the consumers’ needs. Marketing strategies are important to communicate to the consumer more effectively and help target the consumer to their product. Trader Joe’s segments its products by psychographic, behavioral and demographic characteristics
The third study also indicates the existence of possible external variables given the location in which it was conducted. According to the text, “the researchers stood outside a small organic specialty shop and interviewed 100 customers as they exited the shop” (pg. 63). Based on the choice of location, it can be argued that the results of this study mainly coincide with the preferences of consumers with a high interest in organic products.
The death penalty discriminates and marginalizes minorities and the poor in our society. Legal systems are unfair therefore the death penalty is imposed unfairly since equals are not treated equally. The richest man alive is not treated the same as a homeless individual on the streets of downtown Toronto. There are many flaws in the justice system mostly because it is made up of individuals and as individuals we are prone to making mistakes. Witnesses, prosecutors and jurors can create the smallest error and their collected testimonies determine the result of an individual on trial and whether they shall live another day. It is clearly inevitable that innocent people will be convicted wrongly based off of human testimony hence it is