
Lubbock's Character Traits

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The British naturalist and politician John Lubbock wrote, “Your character will be what you yourself choose to make it.” This quote by John Lubbock is meant to show one that he can become his own person. Character traits allow people to become unique. People’s character traits are determined by others because people go through different experiences in life, people use what they see as an example, and people are affected by what they hear.
People's character traits are built upon what happens to them in their lives everyday. When a person is little they fear things like water or the dark. They often carry this trait with them into adulthood without really knowing why. A person’s life is often fully of events that alter their opinions and beliefs …show more content…

People like to think that they are their own person however, many people act like the things they see around them. In many situations young teenagers act like someone they are not in order to fit in or look cool in front of a group of friends. In other instances adults act a certain way because it is the way they are supposed to act according to society. A young baby does not possess the character traits of an old man because it has not had time to learn and experience life. People's attitudes and attributes influence others around them everyday. Ultimately character traits are set by others and the example they provide.
Character is created from the things people hear. People learn from examples people provide. Children say things about people that they hear from their parents or guardians. Often people feel pressured to say things they do not mean because others say the same things. Character is affected by the things people say. In many situations thoughts become words and words become character.
Although I believe that character traits are influenced by others, some people believe that character traits are unique. These people believe that character is made from the things that people believe in and the their own

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