Feeling stressed can take a toll on your emotional health. At the time of exams, people develop this stress, and adults need better ways to help their kids cope with the stress. Parents need to understand the stress and be cooperative in any way. In the article, “Stress: How Empathy is Important for Parents and Teens” by Juli Fraga, it talks about how parents need to show empathy with their kids. Fraga states, “Teenagers are looking for proof that their parents don’t understand them and bringing up these examples only confirms that you’re not on the same wavelength.” Parents that bring up these stories about them doing this and doing that,and still dealing with the stress and overcoming everything that they can doesn’t help the kids and only
During exam prep, students should review notes and keywords, and clear up confusing concepts (Kaplan, n.d.). Knowing what kind of test the student is preparing for will help to determine if concepts should be broad or more detailed and focused (Billings, 2007). Students should pay attention to their physical health by eating well and getting regular exercise (Kaplan, n.d.). One of the best ways for students to ensure their mental health and to reduce test taking anxiety is to be over-prepared for the test (Nugent and Vitale, 2016).
Empathy is a central theme that runs through the entire book. Dr. Bromfield highlights the importance and significance of empathy, understanding adolescents while balancing the need to challenge and push them. Empathy is an emotion, I value highly as a future humanistic counselor as I believe it can be a very potent tool in therapy. “ As to this day I am awed at empathic understanding’s near miraculous power to soften children’s and adults’ defensive resolve” (p48), he describes the miraculous power of empathy and how it can allow persons in therapy to uncover those other emotions that they may have suppressed quite well.
From close family, to friends, to acquaintances, to teachers, it is something that is important and critical that I am considerate of others feelings. An example of empathy in my life is between my sister and I. My sister, Zoe and I have a great relationship, she is my very best friend. But, she is an extremely busy best friend! Her being a senior, she has a large amount of work to do! She works at her job, works on her Odyssey, applies for colleges, does homework, finds herself vegan meals, drives me places, the list could go on! At times I make the mistake of not giving her the empathy she deserves because I can get upset about her not spending enough time with me. It is a selfish action when I do that, and have to continue to learn and understand she has work to get done, and friends to spend time with as well. Lately, I’ve been working hard on not giving her a hard time and really putting myself in her shoes. I imagined myself in her shoes and visioned a chaotic mess! I’m proud she is handling the stress so well, and maintaining a good relationship with me, her friends, and herself. It’s important I am empathetic of her situation in life right now, and spend the time I can get with her happily, because soon she’s off the college. Empathy plays a huge role of my friendships and relationships. My dad always enjoys to remind me how proud he is of
They concluded that exam stress reduces immune function, potentially leaving the individual vulnerable to illness and infections. Immune function is also affected by psychological variables such as the stress of life events and feelings of loneliness. These long term stressors may make individuals more vulnerable to the added effect of short term stressors such as exams.
These days students are going through a variety of stress related problems that tie back to school work in the classroom. These problems range from how to understand what’s
Empathy is shown not only by the adults
Empathy is something that everyone should use at one point in their life or another, but can anyone benefit from using their best ability to understand and share the feelings of someone? How about I explain to you about how a family can benefit from empathy with the help of a really amazing book “The Art of Being Normal” by Lisa Williamson and a few other sources. Using empathy is something we should all learn how to use and the book “The Art of Being Normal” by Lisa Williamson is a very good book that uses empathy. Leo is guy character in the book which is transgender that switched school because mainly the kids in the school he went to before didn’t really understand why he undertook the procedure to being a male. The tried his hardest to
Society defines stress as anything which forces us to change. Through technical terms stress is defined as “a negative emotional state occurring in response to events that are perceived as taking or exceeding a person’s resources or ability to cope.” To explaining stress researchers came up with the “Cognitive appraisal model”, this system works to tell us whether we believe we have enough resources to deal with the situation without becoming stressed. For instance as a now college student those who have had previous experience taking finales in high school can have less stress than those who have not taken it. This is because they have previous experience with taking the tests and learning how to study while those who have never taken one can become extremely stressed over the unknown of the test. Stress is one of the sub branches that is attached to the world of health psychology. Health psychology is a quickly growing branch that deals with the way the mind and body work together. Psychologists that work in the health field came up with the biopsychosocial model. This model explains the complex interaction with biological, psychological, and social factors.
Test anxiety is defined as "A fear of failing that you feel before or while taking an important examination, that prevents you from performing as well as you otherwise could on the exam," according to yourdictionary.com. The website mentalhelathy.com, a survey conducted by ChildLine states that 96% of the students surveyed felt anxious or pressured, skipped meals, had problems sleeping , and 14% even drank alcohol because of standardized testing. This is in no way healthy for students. This stress can cause students to perfom poorly on a tes that they know the material for. If students experience test anxiety on a test that determines whether they graduate or move on to the next grade, then the chances of them passing are significantly
With all the heavy workload that students receive, it is often easy to stress out. When a
Empathy and caring is an essential part of human health. We love because we can empathize (Szalavitz & Perry, 2010). Empathy underlies everything that makes society work; such as altruism, collaboration, love and charity. Failures to empathize are a key part of social problems, such as crime, violence, war, racism, child abuse and inequity. Although we are genetically predisposed to care for others, the development of empathy requires a lifelong process of relational interaction (Szalavitz & Perry, 2010). More importantly, the first relationship humans experience, the
Anxiety is a very common disorder when it comes to students in school. There are various types of anxiety, one common example is test taking anxiety. Test taking anxiety is a nervous feeling that students have while taking a test, and sometimes before or after taking the exam. This makes it impossible for students to do their best and to show their knowledge. When students are under stress it causes them to have physical symptoms, such as sweating or rapid breathing. Students who aren't prepared for tests, but care about doing well are also likely to have test anxiety before taking any type of test. Supporters argue standardized tests effectively measure student achievement, and opponents argue that tests are good for measuring students’ performances.
Thesis: Today I will discuss about sources and effects of student stress and efficient ways to manage this emotional and physical strain.
Test anxiety is a very common trait that occurs in many people. You have spent weeks studying for the examination, covered every single topic and read every single material having to deal with the upcoming exam. You walk into the classroom, sit down, and retrieve all your materials that you need. The instructor hands out your exam and gives everyone the confirmation to begin. You open up the exam and start reading the first question, hoping to be familiar with the subject. As you read question after question, you realize that you can't recall the answers to anything that you have just read. According to Salend (2011), this is the time that "you start to panic, your chest gets tight, you get sweaty, you start feeling overwhelmed" (p. 58). Many students suffer from this type of anxiety when it comes to taking examinations that can hinder their performance and well being. Proper studying and adequate preparation can help students overcome test anxiety and help improve their performance. Employing
Younger generations aren’t feeling as empathetic as older generations and this will lead to a dangerous society. Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings. Teaching empathy at a young age will allow one another to accept and communicate with each other. It is also a necessity skill in life that helps each other to recognize one’s emotions. According to the article, This is How Literary Fiction Teaches us to Be Human by Tom Blunt, he emphasizes empathy can be taught through literary fiction and it is vital that young children feel empathy toward each other.