
Lucy Christopher Stolen

Decent Essays

Is This Too Complicated? Each obstacle that a person face is going to have different circumstances from another individual. One might have more experience than the other, or one might not of had another obstacle before hand. This can make circumstances very complex. Other examples that can be very complex is the content in a book. While reading one must have some background knowledge of what they’re reading and must have the maturity for the content. Without those certain traits this can make a complex text even more complicated. The book Stolen by Lucy Christopher is noted at a 4.3 reading level. Throughout the story there are numerous scenes that complicate the text that a fourth grader would neither have the maturity for this reading …show more content…

Gemma is our narrator and is the one that is stolen or as in Ty’s words “...I’ve saved you from all that. Saved. Not stolen” (92). So who does the reader believe? A reader might not have the understanding or the maturity of what is going through his mind. Ty’s had his eye on Gemma for over ten years now, he thinks he is saving her from her life back home because she deserves better (92). However, wouldn’t that make him the hero then? Along with trying to save Gemma from her previous life he says he is doing this out of love. (208) So what is the theme? It could possibly be isolation. Gemma is stranded out in a desert in Australia, therefore she is being isolated from her normal life style. It could also be love; Ty loves Gemma and has loved her from the day he first met her. However, is that really love or an obsession? Another option could be survival of man vs. man. Gemma struggles in the end of the book trying to figure out if she really does love Ty and has feelings for him. There can be several themes to a story so it can be difficult for the reader to distinguish which one fits the story the

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