Is This Too Complicated? Each obstacle that a person face is going to have different circumstances from another individual. One might have more experience than the other, or one might not of had another obstacle before hand. This can make circumstances very complex. Other examples that can be very complex is the content in a book. While reading one must have some background knowledge of what they’re reading and must have the maturity for the content. Without those certain traits this can make a complex text even more complicated. The book Stolen by Lucy Christopher is noted at a 4.3 reading level. Throughout the story there are numerous scenes that complicate the text that a fourth grader would neither have the maturity for this reading …show more content…
Gemma is our narrator and is the one that is stolen or as in Ty’s words “...I’ve saved you from all that. Saved. Not stolen” (92). So who does the reader believe? A reader might not have the understanding or the maturity of what is going through his mind. Ty’s had his eye on Gemma for over ten years now, he thinks he is saving her from her life back home because she deserves better (92). However, wouldn’t that make him the hero then? Along with trying to save Gemma from her previous life he says he is doing this out of love. (208) So what is the theme? It could possibly be isolation. Gemma is stranded out in a desert in Australia, therefore she is being isolated from her normal life style. It could also be love; Ty loves Gemma and has loved her from the day he first met her. However, is that really love or an obsession? Another option could be survival of man vs. man. Gemma struggles in the end of the book trying to figure out if she really does love Ty and has feelings for him. There can be several themes to a story so it can be difficult for the reader to distinguish which one fits the story the
The author of, The Book Thief , does not blatantly state the theme. Contrariwise, to how the author utilizes the theme in Abduction. Although, there is a difference in how both texts express their theme, it is easy to see that they both want the reader to understand the point they are trying to get across.
To begin, important theme that runs through the novel is the idea strong female characters like Taylor and Lou Ann. Furthermore, Taylor does not care about a man in her life and tries her best to do everything in her
Theme is the hidden morals within a piece of literature that the author is trying to get readers to understand. In both Angela's Ashes and The Street, we can distinguish a similar theme. One similar theme in both stories is struggling to get through life’s complications. After reading the two different excerpts, we can use character, events, and the setting to further our understanding.
Alyse, Ty's love interest seems to be the polar opposite of the street hustling protagonist. They met on Ty's first day at the alternative school. She is in all of his classes after the first time they met there was a connection. Alyse is very studious and is worried about her grades for college. She is also a very nice and considerate person, which led Ty to wonder why she was at that school. After the second time they studied together, Ty had asked her, what brought her to the alternative school. It turns out she had gotten pregnant, and wanted to drop out to support he child. But with her mother's help and an afternoon job, she has been able to return to school. This shows her determination to succeed. The problem is with the relationship between Ty and Alyse is that she doesn't know that he is a drug dealer.
From this, hardships become prevalent, and when overcome, positive growth can occur. Additionally, transitions may lead to significant personal reward and change for an individual due to circumstantial acceptance. The Story of Tom Brennan displays these concepts explicitly, as Tom constantly has his value of relationships negatively hindered. However, once he overcomes his challenges brought forth by Daniels drink-driving incident, he is able to gain a ‘new start’ regarding relationships, as he is able to gain acceptance. Furthermore, Toms statement of “The Davin was my obstacle”, utilises the metaphorical obstacle of ‘Davin’, who becomes a hardship for Tom to overcome in order to ‘win’ Chrissy, and thus overcome his loneliness and reforms his values of relationships and love. Once Tom overcomes this obstacle, as evident it the truncated sentence of “Today became the day I kissed Chrissy Tulake”, positive growth occurs, as he becomes releases that he has purpose in life and that his negative past isn’t omnipresent in is everyday life. It is due to this positive transition, that Tom’s values of Relationships and love become reformed, as he becomes enlightened towards the positive effects of love, therefore leading to the paramount personal reward of gaining a relationship with Chrissy, alongside finally accepting his circumstances. Ultimately, it is
Being able to identify the theme of a story will help the readers relate and understand the story more easily. There are all types of themes that authors use in their works. Sometimes authors say out right what the theme is and then other times they make the reader find the theme for themselves.
The most obvious of the themes is that of violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the idea of injustice. Many of these themes are intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent images, or descriptions of violence. These must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A good
She is hoping to depend on Tom, that he will change her life around for her. She is a child with to big of an ego to see that not everything will fall into the path she wants it
The objective of obstacles is often undervalued; however, Robert White once stated, “If we accept the reality that life is difficult, demanding, and often painful, then the day-to-day living is no longer so onerous. In accepting life as is really is, we transcend it” leading to the conclusion that with the absence of obstacles it prevents people from experiencing the harsh reality of life consequently preventing them from maturing. In the novel, The Illegal by Lawrence Hill, the author examines and emphasizes how an individual must experience obstacles in order to understand the harsh reality of life and to mature. The protagonists Keita and Viola struggle through several obstacles such as discrimination, identity loss, and abuse;
There are themes in every piece of fictional literature ever written. A theme is the central idea of a story that is fictional. A theme can be everything from good verse evil to as simple as light and darkness. In any story there may be more than one theme in it. Some stories have numerous central ideas that can be seen in the one. Most people only focus on one while there may be five that are important to understand to understand the story. The Tell-Tale Heart like some has numerous themes that are all important to understanding the story.
Theme is an integral part of this story and is mostly presented through the narrator. One of the major themes of the story is conscience, in which many of the conflicts in the
A theme is the meaning behind a story, occasionally defined as the moral of the story. Themes can differ from one end of the world to the other, as it does in many books. The Droughtlanders by Carrie Mac is a futuristic version of the world which has been divided into two parts. The rich and the poor, the healthy and the sick, otherwise known as Keyland and Droughtland. Keyland is where all the rich people with extravagant lands and lives live. Droughtland is a disease-ridden land where all poor people are being forced to live. Society treats Droughtland poorly and they decide to take action. Thus starting the revolution. Carrie Mac portrays many themes in different ways throughout the book. However the major theme the book revolves around is that; No matter how rich or poor a person is, or what gender, race, or sexuality they are, in the end, they are all the same and deserve to be treated equally. In addition, the book shows that when everyone is treated equally there is so much more that everyone can accomplish. The theme is being portrayed through the narrative point of view, setting and atmosphere, and character development.
The main theme of the Faulkner's short story is the relationship between the past and present in Emily Grierson, the protagonist. She did not accept the passage of time throughout all her life, keeping everything she loved in the past with her.
Theme is the subject of talk, a topic, or morals that the author is trying to get across to the readers. When reading an excerpt, the theme is not directly stated in the text, so you must dig deeper into the context to understand the morals the author is trying to portray. In both Angela's Ashes and The Street, we can detect a similar theme of struggling to get through life’s obstacles. When reading the two different stories, we can further pick out the theme by using character, events, and the setting.
But where the story began to take a turn was when Marla, the woman that he met in the support groups, called and stated she was in the process of committing suicide. He pretty much blew her off when Tyler took the initiative to go to her apartment where he becomes her coping mechanism by using sex. But while the narrator (Edward) thinks that he is having some sort of nightmare not understanding it is actual reality. Then noticing the tension between the two the narrator states that they Marla and Tyler remind him of his parent because he never sees them in the same place at once. The only time that they spent in the same room was during sexual intercourse. He narrator was jealous because of the way he felt for Marla, but just too afraid to express it because she was already sleeping with Tyler. This is why the tension was so high.