
Luke 2 Essay

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How salvation is shown in Luke 2:30 and 13:23 The theme of salvation is used in two ways: as a noun; when Simeon sees God’s salvation personify through Jesus, showing the spiritual aspect of salvation (Luke 2:30); and as a verb, when Jesus is asked about ones who are saved, in which he explains that they can be saved by entering the narrow gate; showing the physical aspect of salvation (Luke 13:23).
Part One: In reading and analyzing both the verses, there were similarities in the language used to illustrate salvation physically and spiritually. In Luke Johnson’s Social Dimensions of Soteria, Johnson says there is a centered salvation theme in Luke, Acts, and Paul. He also states there are several references to redemption and liberation in regards to salvation, as well as using “language games” (suggestions rather than demonstrations regarding salvation). (Johnson, 20) Specifically in Luke 2:30, Simeon identifies God’s salvation as being personified in Jesus; for Jesus to come was for God’s salvation to come. In the next verse: “A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32), salvation is portrayed as light (a noun as stated earlier). It would be a revelation to Gentiles because they would be able to participate in God’s blessing with a fullness that had not been revealed in the Old Testament (Ephesians …show more content…

The people of Jerusalem did not accept the opportunity for salvation that Jesus presented them. As discussed earlier, the authors of Luke used a lot of salvation language, such as centering the book around the theme of salvation. The Gospel implies language of salvation throughout and individuals are more affected than groups of people. Luke combines deeds of healing with “the good news proclaimed to the poor” (7:22-23) and matches the faith shown toward Jesus the Healer with the “faith in order to be saved” that is directed to “the word of

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