
Luke 9: 1-51

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Luke is specifically written to be chronological order, so that is the main reason for the Parable of the Good Samaritan being placed where it is. In Luke 9:51 the author begins the central section of narrative where Jesus and his followers are traveling to Jerusalem. (Shellard, 2002, p. 90) The journey to Jerusalem is quite chaotic and prolonged in Luke’s book, though many scholars have attempted to impose some hidden order behind it. (Shellard, 2002, p. 85) Luke places the Parable of the Good Samaritan near the beginning of the section of the book where Jesus arrives in Judea. (Shellard, 2002, p. 98) In chapter 10:1-24 speaks about Jesus sending out 72 disciples in pairs of two to the towns around him. After the seventy-two returned in verse seventeen, they report to Jesus all the wonderous signs they had been able to do in his name, and how they had even been able to drive out demons. Jesus then praised God for hiding these things from the wise and learned but revealing them to “little children.” …show more content…

For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” In the next verse we hear about an expert of the law who stood up to test Jesus. This is an interesting transition, because in verse twenty-one we hear about the wise and learned who do not understand the things of God, and just a few verses later, in verse twenty-five, we are introduced to one such man. He does not understand God or Jesus’ ministry, but thinks he can stump or trick Jesus using his extensive knowledge of the

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