
Lumosity: A Brain Training Scam

Decent Essays

This week’s readings were about drug addiction and a brain training scam. The article about Lumosity –a brain training program – was interesting because there are numerous programs and products out there that claim to improve brain performance. It reminded me of “brain clinics” in Roswell, where I live, and their extraordinary claims to cure people of ADHD and such. Even though the FTC filed a complaint against Lumosity, it is unfortunate that people take advantage of consumers who have basic or low health literacy skills, or who are desperate for a solution. Although Lumosity already has a negative reputation with the FTC, they probably have found other ways to lure people into paying for their brain training services. I was wondering if there …show more content…

The brain-disease model of addiction was discussed, which has been a widely accepted model of addiction; for example, drug counselors and medical schools generally accept the brain-disease model. Have we moved away from the brain-disease model at all? Satel and Lilienfeld (2013) made some excellent arguments against the brain-disease model and I realized why the brain-disease model is problematic. It assumes that the addict has no choice, because they have a disease. In addition, the brain-disease model does not emphasize the psychological and social aspects of drug addiction (Satel & Lilienfeld, 2013). This reading and my Alcoholics Anonymous experience, from Drugs class, tied in nicely. I remembered that the speakers/leaders regarded alcohol addiction as a disease and that alcoholics could never drink moderately again. It was strange to hear alcohol addiction as a disease, but I never thought about the aspect of lack of choice. I also found it interesting that clinicians generalize from those with the worst form of addiction (i.e., clinician’s illusion). I thought clinicians were scientifically-inclined and would not make such generalizations, however, the authors explain that the medical world applies generalizations (Satel & Lilienfeld, 2013). Another interesting piece of the reading was about how addicts can employ self-control, especially when rewards are involved. I was wondering if there are any other reward programs in the US, apart from Project HOPE in

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