
Lust In The Handmaid's Tale

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There was not only one but two main social values to this story which included lust and how cunningness can go hand in hand with evil, otherwise known as lies and deceit in this case. Nicholas and Absolon had a strong sexual desire for Alisoun. While it seems John did not use Alisoun for lust only, those were the only intentions of Absolon and Nicholas. Alisoun falls for the tricks of Nicholas, not because she is naive but because she has the same desire Nicholas has for her. “‘Myn housbonde is so full of jalousye/That but ye waite wel and been privee/I woot right wel I nam but deed.’” (lines 186-188) In these lines, Alisoun is asking for secrecy with Nicholas in order for John to not find out about the affair. One could be able to tell that …show more content…

John is not the only person being lied to in this story. Alisoun tricks Absolon into believing she is going to kiss him. This is the moment in the tale where Alisoun sticks her buttocks through the window for Absolon to kiss instead of her lips. Alisoun was not the only person performing acts of deceit however. Angergerd Absolon returns to the window pretending to beg for another kiss while his intentions were to brand Alisoun if she were to stick her “ers” out the window once more. In this tale of unfortunate events, it is Nicholas who ends up getting branded not Alisoun. Nicholas and Alisoun lied to John about a flood that was being sent by God only to distract John so Nicholas can get Alisoun in bed. “Aboute corfew-tyme, or litel more/ For tavail of his gost, he gooneth sore/And eft he routeth, for his heed mislay/ Doun of the laddre stalketh Nicholay/ And Alisoun, ful softe adoun she spedde/Withouten wordes mo, they goon to bedde.” (lines 445-447) These lines state that the desires Nicholas and Alisoun had for eachother were uncontrollable therefore they wanted to get each other to the

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