
Luther's Generalization Strategy

Decent Essays

Identify some strategies you might implement to promote generalization for Luther based on your previously identified procedures for changing his behavior

Generalization, a generic term for a diversity of behavioral methods and behavior modification outcomes (Cooper, et al., 2014). A procedure where the target behavior happens within sight of antecedent stimuli the indicated is comparable somehow to the discriminative stimulus that introduces when the behavior reinforced. Also, generalization likewise construes as the occurrence of a target behavior in an uneasiness circumstance following training (Miltenberger, 2015, p. 395).
A strategy one might utilize to promote generalization in Luther’s case comprises of first reinforcing instances of the behavior in other settings/situations. For instance, one could …show more content…

On the off chance reinforcement for the behavior in germane situations outside the training, and circumstances is not possible, it is pertinent that natural reinforcers be present (Miltenberger, 2015, p.397). As in evaluating functional communication training with Luther with Alzheimer’s. Luther’s challenging behavior maintained through attention and elopement. His problem reduced when he learned to ask for attention and succor using assistive communication devices. Hence, generalization ensued when he continually uses the communication responses in the facility environment, and the nursing staff and other clients responded to his demand through conveying what he was asking. Generalization ensued as Luther query depicted on a natural contingency of reinforcement (Miltenberger, 2015, p.397). One should strive to instruct aptitudes, which will contact natural contingencies of reinforcement, which may not always be conceivable (Miltenberger, 2015, p. 399). Thus, other generalization methods should take into consideration (Miltenberger, 2015, p.

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