As we come to the end of another program year, the LWV-CC Executive Board is keenly aware that means we are already gearing up for the next year. So let’s take a moment to say thanks to those who have made this such a productive and fun year – not without its challenges but leaving us all with a well-earned sense of accomplishment and pride. To the outgoing board – THANK YOU! Chris Garcia, Bobbie Wood-Hughes, Maria Jimenez, and Coretta Graham, to say that we’ll miss you is such an understatement! We know that your contribution to the League will continue, however, and we look forward to new working relationships with you. To those members of the League who have worked so hard this year, Thank You and let us continue to work. This will be a very important year. 2014 is a General Election YEAR!!! Register, register, register VOTERS and let us encourage every single registered VOTER to VOTE!!! At the May 26, 2016 Annual Meeting we celebrated the number of VOTERS LWV-CC registered, record number. Thank Ruth Falck and Sandra Heatherley. …show more content…
A recognition of her service not only to the LWV-TX. but to our local LEAGUE. Chris Garcia is a LWV-CC Legacy Member-Servant Leadership is demonstrated continually. Her dedicated service is what makes LWV-CC one of the top five LEAGUES in the state of TEXAS. I revere the wisdom and knowledge of our most active current and past members, and we strive to bring additional members into active involvement while maintaining our high standards, integrity and strong nonpartisanship. Our brand is well respected and strong. Our prime directive is VOTER
I may not be the best candidate for the next member of the National Junior Honor Society, but I certainly believe I could be a great addition! Overall, I am a great learner, leader and student. I have not had any major discipline problems since kindergarten! I have always had top grades and have been top of my class at some point or another. I have good grades that I always maintain and standards that I never lower. My character is not the best but it certainly isn’t the worst. I try to help out in my school or community when possible but regrettably I have not given much of my time to my school or community. At the end of the day, I am a good student, friend, son and brother.
NOTE: Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the Professor to grade.
We believe in the teachings of our honorable chairman; We believe in all the laws & policies set forth by our Chairman & his executive staff; we believe in the concept; we believe in organization; we believe in aid & assisting all the fellow brothers of the struggle in righteous endeavors, as we stand strong upon our six points utilizing; wisdom, knowledge, and understanding; as we strive& struggle for; educational, economical, political, social, organization, & unity; we believe that we are a special group of "FOLKS" with integrity& dignity; We believe in the vision of our great leader; and through his vision we become a power to be reckoned with; Beyond boundaries, without measures.
Any qualified Texas voter can be participates in the formulation of state and national platform, and in picking the
The city council of Atlanta, Georgia servers as a local legislative government branch. The council is made of the president, Ceasar Mitchell and fifteen members elected from district within the city. The city of Atlanta is broken up into twelve different districts and three post, each councilmen is responsible for representing the needs and wants for their district. The members of the council are elected by the citizens, and they work together to pass laws, make general policies, supervise city government, and appropriate funds for various needs. Usually, council meetings are open to the public, and public input is welcomed. The majority the councils work is done in committees. In the committees proposed legislation is debated and the members of other government branches and the public are given a chance to comment. Each council member serves on at least three of the council's standing committees, and select committees and panels. This week the author had the chance to attend a City of Atlanta council committee meeting and view how the meeting was conducted and went.
The Hallsville Independent School District board meeting was very conductive. An agenda was handed out to everyone present, and it had every point to be made at the meeting neat and organized for everyone to follow. The meeting is mostly open to the public which provides a great way for everyone to feel up to date with what is going on in the school district, and be able to help in any way they can when problems arise. Once the superintendent had finished speaking about who was being recognized, the updated itinerary, and the HISD Education Foundation Report, he closed the meeting from the public. School board meetings benefit the community by letting the people not associated with a job through the school know what is going on in the district.
At the beginning of the semester, our group spoke with the client to develop several goals that they wanted our group to achieve throughout this semester. After speaking to the Vice Chairman John Wood (2016), one of the main tasks that he wanted our group to assist the club with accomplishing was to use the election to boost engagement within the club for both club meeting attendance and also visibility on social media. Since the media was covering he election for a large part of the day, Wood discussed the idea that since the media is covering the election for a large part of the day, politics is on the mind of people more now than it would be during midterm elections. By using the fact that the election is top of mind for many individuals at Liberty, the club wanted to take advantage of this season and also gain members. The last goal that the club wanted to accomplish was to increase voter registration and voter turnout on Election Day.
I believe that I would be a good representative for the National Junior Honor Society because I represent the five qualities of a member of the organization: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. I have leadership skills from programs like Girl Scouts, softball, and Student Council. I’ve volunteered in many service projects including Christmas bags for foster children, playing piano at a hospice center, volunteering at a food bank, teaching brownies (2nd to 3rd graders) how to camp at a Girl Scout camp, passing out flowers to rooms in a hospice center, and passing out care packages to the homeless. I have amazing citizenship skills such as following rules and laws in not only the classroom but in my community, teaching
I’d like to start by thanking everyone who is with us today. Friends, family, staff, everyone. It’s an honor to be able to share such an incredible day with the lot of you. As we stand here today on what can only be described as the edge of our future, it becomes very apparent that it’s not a distant reality anymore. It begins here. It begins today. We began this journey as scared little kids, each with the same goal; to get to this stage. What we’ve learned along the way will serve us as we move on into our futures. Even though we started with the same goal, some of us will go on to college, others will go straight to being considered the working class. Each of us, however, will travel
If I were to be accepted into the National Junior Honor Society, which is one of the highest honors that can be awarded, I would consider myself to be a very lucky person. Throughout my life, I've always considered myself as someone with good character and values.I've always prided myself in always doing the right thing and helping others. In addition, I view myself as a leader, not a follower. Being a leader comes naturally to me. I'm a leader amongst my friends and siblings. They always look up to me when they have a problem or when they need advice. I have a good standard education with an A average which will help me achieve my goals in the future.
WOW! So much has happened since June. The SV FFA and ag department had a rough start to our year losing three of our students who were on the FFA officer team to other schools. Even with this bump in the road, the four officers that remained visited Mt. Shasta City and had a blast bonding and learning more about each other at their officer retreat in August. Once school started we found three new officers and attended COLC (Chapter Officer Leadership Conference) where the entire team learned about their diverse leadership styles and were able to bond together as the official Surprise Valley FFA Chapter Officer Team for the 2017-2018 school year. If you see them around, congratulate President Cindy Hinze, V.P. Maddison Seely, Secretary Maya
On August 11th, at 1:00 p.m., we will celebrate the accomplishments of yet another round of graduates. I want to believe that every veteran or soldier accepted into MCVTC will succeed, however, some leave me skeptical. To see them prove my doubts wrong is a wonderful feeling!
I have been attending Anthem Prep for five consecutive years and I am applying the role of Freshman Class Representative. To make it more interesting for our students to get involved, Anthem Prep has been making changes to its student life and topics relating to it. Though our school has made significant progress, I believe the upcoming student government will improve our student body and their lives on campus.
What is JCAHO? JCAHO, also as known as, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations is an independent and not-for-profit organization that accredits more than 20,500 health care organization and programs in the United States (The Joint Commission, 2015). This service’s accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide where it reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting high performance and criteria.
The Joint Commission is a nonprofit organization that certifies more than 18,000 health care organization and programs throughout the world. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commission provides a national symbol of quality for health care as well as analyzes each organization’s commitment to meeting high quality performance standards. The Joint commission focuses on accrediting Acute Care Hospitals, ambulatory, behavior health, long term care, health care facilities, clinical laboratories, health care networks and hospice. Numerous of accreditation organization is also taking place within the United States, but the Joint commission remains the largest The Joint commission accredits 20,000 organization” which” one third are Hospitals.