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What Happens in “Lycidas”
1–5 The poet complains that he is unready (= “denial vain, and coy excuse”)
6–36 No matter, Lycidas was a poet and his death must not pass without song. I too shall die one day and want someone to sing for me. Moreover, Lycidas and I grew up and made poetry together, to the delight of many.
37–49 “But O the heavy change now, thou art gon”: nature languishes in Lycidas’s absence.
50–63 The nymphs were powerless to save him, as Calliope was powerless to save her son, the poet Orpheus.
64–76 Lycidas died young, before poetry could make him famous. Since life and fame are uncertain, why not devote oneself to the here and now, to the pleasures of love?
76–84 Phoebus answers that true fame is found in heaven, …show more content…

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Pastoral Elegy; Alternating Iambic Pentameter and Trimeter, Irregular Rhyme
Dead friend? Check.
Shepherds? Check.
That 's it, folks. That 's all you need to know about this poem to conclude that "Lycidas" is a pastoral elegy.
Great. But wait, what 's a pastoral elegy? Awesome question. It 's a type of poem invented by the Greek-speaking Sicilian poet Theocritus in the third century BCE. There are two parts to this poem: the elegy part, and the pastoral part.
Milton covers the elegy angle by making this poem about his dead friend Edward King. An elegy is a poem mourning the death of someone, who is almost always a fellow poet. Done.
As for the pastoral portion, well a pastoral poem is one that idealizes shepherds and country life, often presenting it as timeless and easy-going. In the poem, Lycidas and the speaker are shepherds who, before Lycidas ' death, had a merry old time steering their sheep around the countryside.
These two types of poetry are combined in the pastoral elegy, a genre in which the speaker of the poem memorializes a fellow poet using a number of features of the pastoral poem. In "Lycidas," the speaker frequently refers to an idyllic past in which he and

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