
Lying In Huck Finn

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In the movie Huckleberry Finn lying plays a big role in the plot. I personally do not like lying at all and believe it will only get you further into trouble, but this story does an excellent job of proving me wrong. There are plenty of times where Huck easily produces a name and why he is where he is. He effortlessly comes up with elaborate back stories and takes away any suspicion from himself. I’d like to say that there are no benefits to lying, but it definitely helps Huck escape some sticky situations. The three areas that I will focus on are superstitions, which are lies in of themselves, Huckleberry dresses as a girl, and the “Duke” and the “King” join Huck and Jim on the raft.
A big part of the movie Huckleberry Finn is superstition. The definition of superstition is a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event. In other words, a lie that you are …show more content…

Huck and Jim are just leaving land when two men start chasing after their raft in an attempt to escape some angry townspeople. The men hop on and join Huck and Jim on their journey. After about a day of sailing one of the men decides he doesn’t like the way he’s being treated, so he lies about his heritage. The man starts on this long story of how his rightful title was stolen from him and he would like to addressed as “Duke” or “Lord”. The other man sees what is happening and joins in on the royal treatment by saying that he too has had some bad luck and is actually the King of France. This leads to Huck and Jim being treated as servants and having a terrible time on the raft. If the “Duke” and the “King” wouldn’t have lied about their heritage they probably would have gotten kicked off the raft. In this case the lie is beneficial for the “Duke” and the “King”, but definitely not helpful at all to Huck and

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