
Essay on Lying from the Tip of Our Tongues

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Lying from the Tip of Our Tongues

Tell the truth, live the truth, do the truth, or there will be terrible consequences.
-Gwen Rice Clark

You come through the door and you see that look in their eyes, they know. All this time, all those lies; all of it just to make sure that they didn’t have to know, all so they didn’t get that look in their eyes. Now you enter further into the room and there’s no stopping the inevitable, one fact remained. You lied. For whatever reason, whatever excuse you hoped was logical enough in your mind so that it didn’t seem as wrong as it truly was, that doesn’t matter. Because the motives and the analyzing were and are in the end moot points, as it is said, through it all “the end does not …show more content…

This is a race that is categorized by its ability to be completely unpredictable. Why walk and turn left or right, jog or run, go fast or slow, why do any of the things you do and when you do them? Life is full of choices, as humans we’ve a right to take advantage of the many possibilities. There can’t be any one incentive. As people of many choices, it is ‘us’ that decide what the temptation to lie is, and there always is one.

People have made every excuse for their behavior. In which case, a less than truthful approach has always seemed appealing. They don’t want to hurt their loved ones, the truth can hurt, they didn’t think of it as lying at the time, they thought nobody would get hurt, it seemed fun at the time, they were trying to protect someone, they were afraid, etc. At the core of it all, the only reason a liar lies is for self-preservation. When someone is insincere they are so because they believe that is their only way out or because that is easier. Lying is never simple.

Who lies? From mothers to fathers, children to brothers and sisters, everybody lies. In a few interviews of the college students in the University of Dayton, the results of inquiries about why lying is bad, proved inconclusive. Many people believe that there is a distinction between being dishonest and telling lies. Yet, at the root of the problem is the lack of understanding that there is

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