
Lylanna Research Paper

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Around 8 thousand years ago, Lylanna was born in a small village in Ashenvale, the only child of a caring and devoted mother. Though, unfortunately for the newborn, prejudice spiked among the rest of the people whence they saw the child. Tainted with demonic energy at birth, they saw her as not only a half elf, but a spawn of their nightmares. Lylanna’s mother, Thesiya, stayed loyal to her child and tried to ignore the comments and threats from everyone else, for her love for Lylanna was truly unconditional.

As Lylanna grew in age, she struggled more and more from the people who cursed her existence. Other children her age disliked her already from a start, they always referred to her as a “demon” above anything else, and it would often …show more content…

Even to this day that opinion has not changed. Being with her mother made life easier, even though she really did not have any friends, nevermind a lover of any sort. She was an outcast to society, but to her it was alright, she had someone who really did care about her. To Lylanna, her situation only ruled out the people who she could live without, and that concept gave her strength. However, Nothing good lasts …show more content…

Though, this proved to be a mistake, for the Burning Legion attacked. They burned the village to ash, killing nearly everyone, including Thesiya - Lylanna’s beloved mother. Thesiya died defending her, a demon’s blade stabbed her stomach. If the bleeding had not killed her, it was more than likely to be the fel that tinted the weapon that did the elf woe. Lylanna held her mother as she died, unafraid of whether the demons would find her too or not, she was beginning to think she would be left alone in a world where she would not be accepted.

Then, eventually, she was rescued. A group of Illidari that came to the village in search of the demons that caused its destruction, and any survivors willing to become a Demon Hunter. Of course, they found Lylanna. Some were intrigued, to see a half Kaldorei, half demon. She already bared the powers needed to become Illidari, and she wanted revenge. Needless to say, it worked out nicely.

She spent the rest of her life training, mastering the glieve, and her inner

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