Around 8 thousand years ago, Lylanna was born in a small village in Ashenvale, the only child of a caring and devoted mother. Though, unfortunately for the newborn, prejudice spiked among the rest of the people whence they saw the child. Tainted with demonic energy at birth, they saw her as not only a half elf, but a spawn of their nightmares. Lylanna’s mother, Thesiya, stayed loyal to her child and tried to ignore the comments and threats from everyone else, for her love for Lylanna was truly unconditional.
As Lylanna grew in age, she struggled more and more from the people who cursed her existence. Other children her age disliked her already from a start, they always referred to her as a “demon” above anything else, and it would often
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Even to this day that opinion has not changed. Being with her mother made life easier, even though she really did not have any friends, nevermind a lover of any sort. She was an outcast to society, but to her it was alright, she had someone who really did care about her. To Lylanna, her situation only ruled out the people who she could live without, and that concept gave her strength. However, Nothing good lasts …show more content…
Though, this proved to be a mistake, for the Burning Legion attacked. They burned the village to ash, killing nearly everyone, including Thesiya - Lylanna’s beloved mother. Thesiya died defending her, a demon’s blade stabbed her stomach. If the bleeding had not killed her, it was more than likely to be the fel that tinted the weapon that did the elf woe. Lylanna held her mother as she died, unafraid of whether the demons would find her too or not, she was beginning to think she would be left alone in a world where she would not be accepted.
Then, eventually, she was rescued. A group of Illidari that came to the village in search of the demons that caused its destruction, and any survivors willing to become a Demon Hunter. Of course, they found Lylanna. Some were intrigued, to see a half Kaldorei, half demon. She already bared the powers needed to become Illidari, and she wanted revenge. Needless to say, it worked out nicely.
She spent the rest of her life training, mastering the glieve, and her inner
In 1788, Israel Ludlow, Matthias Denman, and Robert Patterson bought 800 acres of land from John Cleves Symmes along the Ohio River at the mouth of Licking River. John had purchased 2,000,000 acres of land from the Confederation Congress in 1787 and hoped to become rich by selling parts of the purchase to others. By early January 1789, Israel had planned out the town, dividing it into two types of lots. Israel, Matthias, and Robert provided the first 30 settlers with two free lots, one of each type. The men named the town Losantiville. The town grew slowly at first. Settlers had constructed twenty cabins and one frame house. Eleven families and two dozen single men lived on the land. Eventually it increased in size.
She is fed up with people telling her how to live her life. She feels like she’s stuck in Calamus and there now way to get out. Lorna feels out of place in Calamus. She doesn’t think that she
She was beaten, shackled and “was wet with the dew of all the men who had covered her before” him(4). He quickly recognizes her because his mother is also an Ila woman. He takes care of her — washing her disarrayed body, starting a fire for warmth and protection, and hunting for food. He also believed in fasting for ten consecutive days as a way of a spiritual cure those who are suffering, “in this way the spirit of the dead one grows weak, finally it lets go and journeys to the land of the soul” (5). He grew weak, yet still taking care of her. They began to love one another, and did not want to be apart. Taking her first steps, she ventured to short travels, but was not ready for a lonesome journey. With each trial, the journey becomes a little farther. Twelve days later, she was gone. He holds himself back from calling her name aloud to take her back forever. He continues on with his journey to the village, hunting for food as he returns to the village not
He was a source of hope for Lina and he, in part, gave her a reason to live
Poor Lourdes feels unwanted from the beginning of her life with her mother swearing to forget her; therefore, throughout her life Lourdes feels a lingering resentment, even though the acts by Celia were purely through emotional displacement brought about by the nastiness of her in-laws. “Her mother’s doleful rhythm followed them everywhere” (Garcia 25). The reader can plainly see that Lourdes is both embarrassed and ashamed of what her mother was and is unwillingly to forgive her. Lourdes claimed her mother was dead to garner pity from strangers so they would buy her sweets, and secretly wished it were true at times.
Human activity has changed Aylor almost entirely. It has started as a swamp, but human activity has changed the biome entirely from swampland to deciduous forest. The area around Aylor used to have moist soil. Now, the soil is prone to dry periods. Some of the soil has cracks in it. There used to be all sorts of vegetation and animal life, from dragonflies to cattail plants. Now, there is virtually no cattail plants, but there is now grass and weeds such as dandelions. The animal life is now replaced by various insects and the occasional bird. The ecosystem has changed so vastly that I, along with my classmates, could not tell at all that Aylor used to be a swamp until we were told.
This is significant because her pursuit signifies initiative, which is a sign of confidence. However, she also does not unconditionally offer her love. The fact that she requires that Lanval be “worthy and courtly” indicates a sense of self-worth. Finally, in her offer, she does not mention any concrete details of what she would do for Lanval, let alone drop anything of her life for his interests, which suggests that although she will love him, she will not let him rule her life (another indicator of her self- worth). This behavior is quite powerful, as the her confidence and self preservation prove that she is a dominant type of individual.
Everyday, we make/face a decision. Whether it be a significant or minor decision, we still make a choice, and depending on what you do, it may majorly or barely affect your future and change the course of many different possible outcomes.
The strange diseases that went throughout the tribe were known as smallpox, pneumonia, influenza, malaria, measles, cholera, and whooping cough. Little did the family know, that their mother (Amadahy) was coming down with smallpox? They had no doctors to help Amadahy. All they could do was pray and sing for their poor mother. Adsila was growing eminently worried for Amadahy’s
While she and her husband denounced the Peyote religion due to their first-hand observation of peyote's destructive--often deadly--effects, they asserted the superiority of Indian spirituality over the disregard for nature, disrespect of other cultures, and depredation of people which accompanied alleged Christian practices such as stripping children from their language, culture, religion, family, and environment, the blatant injustice and trauma of which the reader poignantly feels in her fiction during the hair-cutting scene and in the mother's desperate cry to her departed warrior brothers.
Through out the course of history, those who were considered sinners were often out casted from the society. This is much the case with Hester Prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. After a public trial, Hester is considered a sinner due to her birthing of a so called “devil child”. Hester is convicted to the life long bearing of a scarlet letter on her chest. The Scarlet Letter that Hester Prynne wears symbolizes the change in perception of sin through out the novel. Due to the revelations of the governor Winthrop and the reverend Dimmesdale, the way sin is perceived changes from one of shame to the idea that every one is a sinner in their own right.
She does not like her father’s decision and wants to fight against it. Although she is advised to do as her father wants, the love she feels for Lysander is to strong for her to ignore. In modern day society, parents tend to know what is best for the children and try to lead them into doing what they want. It all goes to show their love but sometimes it is taken too far.
Hermia was hurt and suffering because her Lysander left her unpredictably and so sudden. Was she not good enough, who is to blame? Hermia’s answer to these questions were Helena, her dear childhood friend. Hermia blamed her for the chaos that was brought into her life and the sudden loss of her loved one’s interest. But unfortunately, Hermia was unaware that Helena had nothing to do with this chaos. It was all love that twisted a perfect relationship of true love into a chaotic monster.
`Picture an eerie, yet intriguing house on a hill set beside a dark and scary lake. In the story, “The Fall of the House of Usher”, that’s exactly where our story takes place. Poe’s short story is strong in a mysterious tone; thus leading to the themes of fear and madness. “The Fall of the House of Usher” tells a terrifying story, and the narrator is present for the most intense parts. The way the author feels throughout the story is described very well when Poe writes, “There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart.
The two ran in the woods, got lost, and settled down to rest until the morning. Hermia's love was still deep for Lysander, but she was not comfortable sleeping directly next to him. This showed that she still had her morals in tact and she made him sleep further away from her. As morning came, Lysander awoke before Hermia and, abandoned her because he was under the spell. When Hermia woke up and saw that her true love was missing, she quickly went to find him. Hermia never gave up on her love for Lysander. She only wanted him and nothing was going to stop her. Astonishingly she was able to pass all of the obstacles in her way and still retain the love for Lysander.