
Lynn S. Fuchs Response To Intervention

Decent Essays

The implementation of RTI (Response to intervention) was examined by Lynn S. Fuchs and was introduced in three different sections. Each tier was introduced and evaluated by the researcher. For a school to implement RTI for prevention and assessing a student, school must take measures in taking progress assessments. The article noted that schools struggle with the process of targeting students that are designed to receive the support required. The schools are supposed to employ a 1-time RTI, universal screening of all students, whereby all the students receive assessments at the begging of the school year. In progress assessments the students that indicate a score below the 25th percentile on the woodcock mastery tests, would receive preventative interventions immediately at tier one.
In preventatives interventions, there are two models I introduced in the article. The first method introduced being, “problem solving”, which are individually designed to tailor the growth of the student. In this process the student is taught to improve skills that were already acquired rather than introducing new goals and tasks to learn. The second method of preventative intervention is to rely on protocols studies that have been randomly shown to increase students’ academic achievements. The two models …show more content…

The assessments and evaluations are incorporated to happen in tier one and tier two. The reason why multidisciplinary evaluation is a necessity is to distinguish the difference among “LD, mild mental retardation, speech/language impairment, and emotional behavior disorders as the disability underlying the lack of responsiveness”. Once these disabilities are assorted, than the required support can be implemented, once done, the progress monitoring begins, followed by an evaluation of progress before and after the implemented

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