
M & M Categorical Graphic Analysis

Decent Essays

Effective graphics are extremely important to rely a message and to tell a story. However, what is considered as an effective graphic are up to individual presenters to define and consider. A graph that is considered to be an effective visual aid for presenter A may not be considered as an effective visual aid to presenter B. The categorical data, time-series data and spatial data visualizations will be the focus of this short paper. Reference: This is an example of a categorical data graph. As a presenter, I would consider this as an effective visual aid because the color, the scales and the chart title are clear and simple for any audience to interpret. At a glance, the audience can see that the green M&M has the highest amount at 40, while the blue M&M has the lowest amount at 20. The scales of this graph in an incremental of 5. The colors that were analyzed are red, blue, green, yellow, brown and orange. For some experienced senior professional, although this chart is effective, they might consider this chart an elementary visual aid. …show more content…

In addition, there is also a legend table and a note box in the visual aid to assist the audience in better understanding the chart. This would be a chart that is considered less elementary as the information contained are more complex and requires some time to

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