ILM LEVEL 3 Certificate in first line management
Organising & Delegating in the Workplace
Table of Contents
1.1 The importance of making effective and efficient use of people’s knowledge skills while planning the team’s work to achieve objectives…………....................................3
1.2 One technique used to identify and appropriate activity for a person………................4
1.3 How human resource planning can be used to identify and appropriate activity for a person………………………………............................................................5
2.1 Examples of delegation and empowerment in the workplace are explained………….6
2.2 Barriers and support mechanisms for
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1.2 One technique is used to identify the appropriate activity for a person
To identify the appropriate member of staff for the correct activity I have used a skills matrix spread sheet (appendix 1). A skills matrix is a table that displays people’s proficiency with certain skills and knowledge. You can link this to the task in hand.
Recently in Hull Libraries we have started to hold appointments for Blue Badge assessments, as well as this we also have a summer programme of activities to hold for children and the day to day running of the library. To plan and allocate the correct work to the correct person I have looked at each member of staff and rated their skills needed for the task between 1 and 10.
From the skills matric I can also see training gaps and also areas for mentoring. I can see that Karen would be good at mentoring Julie and Anne for children’s activities as they do not have as higher skills, knowledge and confidence as Karen. I can see that it would not be appropriate to put Jacki or Sue on Blue Badge appointments as they have not yet had the appropriate training. This would not be fair on either the member of staff or the member of the public. The service provided would not be to the higher quality that Hull Libraries wants it to be.
For the task in appendix one I can see that it would be good to have Karen running the children’s craft sessions, Julie holding the Blue Badge Appointments, Sue helping
3. Who are the department heads for each program (for days and nights it’s the same Dept. Heads - a total of 4 persons)?
The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop a change management strategy.
I.e. Appeals require quite in-depth scrutiny of all of the facts and attention to detail; I would assign this to one team member who is experienced in this area as this would assure that the work is done correctly and also efficiently. If another member of the team is more experienced in housing costs I would try to assign more of this type of work to them as it would achieve a more productive task as opposed to someone who would need more coaching to do the task effectively. On some occasions it is not always able to give someone’s preferred type of work due to staff sickness or annual leave and in these cases I would have to consider the abilities of the attending staff and assign to the most suitable in these circumstances.
* Describe ways available to you for assessing your current skills and competencies against your defined role requirements and organisational objectives.
Staff would be handled by supervisors and if problems arose in which the supervisors were held powerless or in a situation, then I would step in. If
I am responsible for the development of staff and support them to perform their roles. I conduct monthly one to one meetings and identify any training needs. I organise training, sourcing suitable courses from the internal Shared Service System where courses are listed, and from local colleges and local service providers to suit the training need.
The aims of organisations depend on the type of business they are. For example, the aims of a charity organisation will be quite different from those of a for-profit global business. A business needs to have a clear sense of direction, which must be clearly communicated to all stakeholders. This is the aim of the business which can then be broken down into smaller aims and objectives.
When planning assessments you will need to take a holistic approach, you will need to make sure assessment is specific to a qualification, it needs to be clear and relevant to the topic being taught. The assessment also needs to be measurable, you will need to be able to give a pass/fail or grade on any assessment given and show any areas not covered during the training. Assessment and to be achievable, the level of difficulty needs to match the candidates being assessed as well as the importance of the qualification, four example children would possibly need easier assessments, but assessments concerning life-saving need to have a relative difficulties so the assessor knows that the learner could react in a real life situation. Realistic assessment, this is important when it comes to transferring skills learnt in the classroom to a real life situation, they need to be as real as possible where they can, Four example manikins used in CPR with given scenarios from real life case studies. And finally assessments need to be time bound, assessment dates and times are agreed, this is to incorporate preparation time (Not too much – not too little).
* A list of criteria that you would use to short list a person for this role (these must be derived from the job description and person specification.
The staff themselves and their preferred style of working, along with their personal traits and qualities
Across three assessment tasks you will support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. In this Assessment task, you will plan for recruitment and
Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.
Delegation is widely acknowledged to be an essential element of effective management (Yukl, G. 1994). Delegation is basically a process of assigning responsibility, sharing authority, and producing accountability in organizations. It is a managerial instrument that allows managers to nurture subordinates to capitalize the subordinate’s potential and ability to meet organizational goals and objectives. As a form of employee involvement in decision-making, delegation describes a category of leader behavior that entails assignment of new responsibilities to subordinates and additional authority to carry them out (Yukl, G. 1998). Managers usually find it easier to speak about delegation of
AC.1.1 Explain the importance of making effective and efficient use of people’s skills while planning a team’s work to achieve an objectives.