
M3.21 Organising & Delegating in the Workplace

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ILM LEVEL 3 Certificate in first line management
Organising & Delegating in the Workplace

Table of Contents
1.1 The importance of making effective and efficient use of people’s knowledge skills while planning the team’s work to achieve objectives…………....................................3

1.2 One technique used to identify and appropriate activity for a person………................4

1.3 How human resource planning can be used to identify and appropriate activity for a person………………………………............................................................5

2.1 Examples of delegation and empowerment in the workplace are explained………….6

2.2 Barriers and support mechanisms for …show more content…

1.2 One technique is used to identify the appropriate activity for a person

To identify the appropriate member of staff for the correct activity I have used a skills matrix spread sheet (appendix 1). A skills matrix is a table that displays people’s proficiency with certain skills and knowledge. You can link this to the task in hand.

Recently in Hull Libraries we have started to hold appointments for Blue Badge assessments, as well as this we also have a summer programme of activities to hold for children and the day to day running of the library. To plan and allocate the correct work to the correct person I have looked at each member of staff and rated their skills needed for the task between 1 and 10.
From the skills matric I can also see training gaps and also areas for mentoring. I can see that Karen would be good at mentoring Julie and Anne for children’s activities as they do not have as higher skills, knowledge and confidence as Karen. I can see that it would not be appropriate to put Jacki or Sue on Blue Badge appointments as they have not yet had the appropriate training. This would not be fair on either the member of staff or the member of the public. The service provided would not be to the higher quality that Hull Libraries wants it to be.
For the task in appendix one I can see that it would be good to have Karen running the children’s craft sessions, Julie holding the Blue Badge Appointments, Sue helping

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