
M3 Research Design Critique Report

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M3 Research Design Critique Report
A correlational research design would be useful when studying the relationship of mentoring students in a reading class and the achievement on their Aims-web reading comprehension and fluency scores. The correlational design would be useful to determine to what degree if any exists. In a correlations study there can be a relationship between two or more variables. This type of research uses a correlation coefficient to explain relationships or show a lack of relationship between the variables. Correlational research design and a casual-comparative research design differ in many ways. Casual-comparative research uses two or more groups and determines the differences between groups. Also, in …show more content…

This model provides methods of tutoring, mentoring, and advocacy for foster care. The outcomes being emphasized in this study are to identify skill deficits and monitor progress in basic reading skills to close the gap between their peers. Despite the awareness that students in foster care will have low performances, there is limited research into methods which address this need. The conclusions of this study suggest a relationship between the model ESP and closing the reading skills gap amongst foster care students (Tyre, 2012).
Summation of Research Literature The author used several research studies to direct and focus the research. According to one study, many foster care youths have a history of instability, neglect and trauma which leads to behavioral issues as well as academic skill deficits Bums et al.,
2004; Evans, Scott, & Schultz, 2004; Scherr, 2008; Zethn & Weinberg, 2004; Zethn, Weinberg, & Shea, 2006). A second study stated that even though there is notable evidence that foster care youths fall sustainably behind their peers due to transitions from schools and homes, it is difficult to provide services to intervene on their behalf because schools do not usually identify foster students to teachers and staff (Watson-Davis, 2010).

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