
MAC Mission Statement

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This is a daunting question and I have had to think long and hard about how I can answer it with examples of some of my best work. Throughout my professional life as an interpreter/guide/educator, a “site” is typically defined as the location of a significant event and an “event” is defined as an important, organized occurrence involving several people. This left me to determine what makes any particular organized event significant. The answer was simple - the event furthers the mission of my employer. It is in this context that I present some of my experiences.

I held the position of Airport Tour Coordinator at the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) from 1987 to 1995. The wording of the MAC mission statement has changed over the years, but its fundamental principle is “to connect you to the world with the best airport experience in by operating a safe and efficient system of airports“.

1) In the 1990’s, the MAC hosted an annual, outdoor, two day family event called Airport Days at the MSP International Airport which drew in tens of thousands …show more content…

We made extensive use of our follow-up evaluations and visitor surveys from previous years extensively. Our goal was always threefold; to maximize our visitors’ experience, to promote the work done by the MAC, and to simultaneously carry out the safe and efficient operation of one of America’s ten busiest airports. Once we had the elements and requirements mapped out, we began the massive coordination of the 400 employees within the MAC departments, ranging from public safety to field maintenance, and from airport operations to the painters, carpenters and electricians. Furthermore, bringing that many people onto an active airfield also required close coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration, the airline and cargo companies and all the other tenants of the

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