
Ddma Essay

Decent Essays

Using MDMA as a Treatment for PTSD “In recent years there have been a number of neuroscientific and clinical studies examining the potential role for adjunctive drug-assisted psychotherapy using 3,4,-methylenedioxmethamphetamine (MDMA) as a treatment for PTSD”(Sessa 176). Recent research has shown that the use of MDMA can help people who suffer from PTSD. MDMA is a schedule one drug which means that it is illegal currently; however, that may change very soon. Marijuana is also still considered a schedule one drug in the U.S. even though in some states it is legal for medical and recreational use. Grinspoon and Bakalar say that MDMA has been used for psychotherapy before it became illegal in 1985 (qtd. in Bouso 226). With these …show more content…

Over the past years, prescription drugs have become a major problem for health of United States citizens (Newton). There are some concerns for making a known party drug legal. MDMA is not to be confused with 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). Both of these drugs do the same general thing; however, the effects of MDA are stronger, longer and more dangerous than those of MDMA. MDMA’s street names are Ecstasy and Molly. MDMA was first synthesized in 1912, but did not become popular until the 60’s (NIDA). Once it started becoming popular, psychologists realized that it could be useful during therapy sessions for people with anxiety or PTSD because of the effects it has on people’s minds. During this time the government had no regulations on the drug, but in 1985 the government made MDMA a schedule one drug which made it illegal to take, sell or possess (Vollenweider 241). It is still highly popular during this time as a party drug. People still take this drug even though it is illegal because of the feelings of euphoria, reduced stress/anxiety and increased sexual arousal (Sessa 177).
Ecstasy and Molly are both forms of MDMA; however, when bought illegally usually they contain very little if any actual MDMA. Molly and Ecstasy are some of the easiest drugs to lace

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