MIBC 104 – Political Science
Unit 2 Assignment
Write a one page document covering the following:
• Define political culture.
Political Culture is the set of attitudes, sentiments and beliefs which gives order and meaning to political process and which provides the underlying assumptions and rules that govern behavior in the political system.
• Research political culture in the United States and share at least 2 items.
1. The American Dream – Capitalism, the fact that people has an equal opportunity to wealth is a worldwide belief. People from all over the world believes that America is a land of opportunity and any one can get wealthy and has the right to live a financially stable life. Compared to a lot of countries this may be true. Life here is not as easy but it is possible. People has rights to
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Equality – The American citizens has the right to be equal opportunity. The fact everyone has equal rights as human beings and legally there should not be discrimination based on gender, ethnicity or race. This might not always be true looking at the statistics, there is a gender imbalance in the corporate world, but this is due to human psychology, the law is there and if an issue arises then people can take legal actions if they feel that they have been discriminated in any way.
• Does political culture affect politics? How? Or why not?
Political culture does effect politics. As the attitude and beliefs of people is what shapes the rules and regulations of the state or country as whole, it is important that the politicians work towards the goals that people believe in. According to our rules and regulations people has the right to vote and they will agree or disagree on any laws that is passed and in order to get the votes and politicians usually look at the current political culture and design their political view from there.
American Government. (n.d.). American Political Culture [ushistory.org]. Retrieved from
The American Dream portrays the idea that if a man is lazy, he might not do so well, but if a man wants to work and educate himself and try to create a fortune, there is nothing standing in his way. Some believe that Capitalism is the cause for much of the poverty in the nation today, but any hardcore capitalist will tell you that capitalism inherited poverty, and far from being a cause of poverty, it is the only solution.
Kansas Political Culture Since the founding of the state of Kansas, the state has went through different phases of political culture. Political culture can provide us a look into the history of the state and justification as to why certain laws and regulations are passed in Kansas. The local level can often led to policy innovation and influence national policy.
America still to this day holds on to the idea of the “American Dream”. This is rather surprising in today’s society and the ups and downs that the nation is facing. The dream in the past was more about freedom and equality. Moving through the decades, this dream has morphed into something quite different. Instead of what America means for all of its inhabitants, the nation has become more individualized. Society has moved to interpret the dream of what America can do for the one. Instead of the unified nation, America has been known for in the past, a shift has started creating an inconsistency in who can realize the dream. The myth of the “American Dream” has been hugely affected by increased materialism, the gap in economic status, and the fantasy of “rags to riches” idea.
The American Dream is a fantasy that has not come true for the millions that are toiling in the system hoping to get a piece of the wealth which America so liberally shares with its rich upper class. Mansions, expensive cars, a happy family and of course lots of money. These images adorn the minds of the less privileged of this nation.
First, The American Dream is not something that you are handed it is something you work for. Some people are born into wealthy families and they do not need to work for success. Jay Gatsby was snidely profiled and they said, "I thought you inherited your money." (Ch 5) People assumed that because of his wealth he was privileged. They were wrong, Gatsby worked for his money even though he may of not always had the best
The American Dream is central of what defines America how it is today. America, as a capitalistic society, depends on The American Dream and the tough workers who believe in it.
Everyone has heard of the american dream whether they think it’s real or not. The american dream is what people believed to be the ability to have a thriving life in america. America provides the american dream to everyone because everyone is equal and has the same opportunity and it’s a matter of how hard one works to achieve the american dream.
The American Dream is a concept that is essentially older than the United States, dating back to the seventeenth century. It was then when people began to come up with hopes and aspirations for the newly discovered, unexplored continent. The “American Dream” is in essence the idea in that puts forward the notion that all people can succeed through hard work, that all people have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and be successful. The definition of the American Dream has been expanded upon and redefined over time. The concept of the American Dream has always been debated and put under criticism. There are many that believe the structure of American Society belies the idealistic goal of the American Dream. It points out examples of
The American Dream is a belief shared by people who craved improved land and wealth. Every American individual has the opportunity to acquire the benefits of the American Dream, if they worked hard enough. Each person’s American dream is based on their own personal values. The most shared form of the American Dream was to become successful with an abundance of money and land. The American dream is a "dream of a land in which life should
When the phrase “American Dream” is uttered, it is typically associated with having money or striving to have money. The dream of much of the public is to have money and to be able to purchase anything they desire whenever they want. For some, this dream is not about money, but it is about having the opportunity to better his or herself and his or her loved ones. In either case, there are certain circumstances and obstacles that make this dream increasingly difficult to attain. Some would even be willing to argue, the American dream is unattainable. “American Dream” is defined as the concept of every citizen of the United States having an equal opportunity to achieve success and happiness through hard work, sacrifices, and risk-taking (Fontinelle);
In America our entire society is based on money. People who are respected are generally those who are the richest, because of this, the American Dream is sufficiently associated with money. For instance, this country indirectly tells the poor and oppressed that hard work and determination, in the land of free, will lead directly to success and happiness. Remember, the saying, “money can’t buy you happiness”. It is this general belief that most American citizens believe they all have an equal
The term “American Dream” is defined as an idea which believes that all people have the possibility of prosperity and success. The idea first came from James Adams, a noted American writer and historian. He claimed, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement.” Therefore, the core concepts of the American Dream were closely linked to hard work and opportunity.
A culture can be defined as a way of life of a group of people- their behaviors, beliefs, values that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. It also includes the customs, arts, literature, morals/values and traditions of a particular society or group (Virginia Encyclopedia). Culture can also be considered as a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in places or organizations. This topic is of huge importance to our society mainly in the state of
The idea of political culture is found within the state’s history. The history of the state is impacted by the people settled in the region, religious backgrounds, and geography. The history of the state influences the attitudes and beliefs that people hold regarding their political system. Daniel Elazar theorized a connection between the states’ history and attitude towards government by explaining differences in government between states. Every state is different with some common ground. Elazar’s theory divides states into three types: moralistic, traditionalistic and individualistic. The state’s constitution defines the powers of government with political culture bias. Because of the state constitution, the political culture
How does the concept of civic culture' differ from that of political culture'? To what extent can the latter explain why the politics of countries differ?