MUCS statistical analysis plan of reducing depression through education is done by assessing the before and after scores on the PHQ-9. The PHQ-9 will be taken before the intervention and a summative score will be calculated for each participant, then the same process will be done following the intervention. The scores from the first assessment will then be compared to those from the second assessment. Scores will only be considered from those that complete all 12 weeks of the education. The PHQ-9 was chosen due to the fact that it can be completed in just a few minutes and can be scored rapidly ( CQAIMH, n.d.). The assessment has 9 questions and a scale of 0-3 based on the way the patient has felt in the last two weeks; zero as not at all, …show more content…
Reducing depression and adherence to medication has been shown to have an impact on quality of life for these patients (Reis, 2011). Therefore, this program can educate them on these and other facts that help them to adhere to medication and reduce depression. The group therapy component of the program also will help provide support and understanding from family members, which has also proven to be successful in reducing depression (Jacobs, Caballero, Ownby, & Kane, 2014). Implications for Social work practice The implications for social work from this evaluation of this program is that it is a way to help social workers empower the clients to take care of themselves. Social workers are largely concerned with empowering people to be the one in control of their own development (Sogren, Jones, Nathaniel, & Cameron-Padmore, 2012). Because this program is built on education and knowledge it is empowering in and of itself, but when workers are able to build upon the knowledge with therapy they empower the client even more than the class alone (Sogren, M., Jones, A., Nathaniel, K., & Cameron-Padmore, J.
I believe that Excel can enhance the younger generations math learning skills. I think that as long as the basic math skills of calculating numbers are learned and mastered first, then Excel can be of a great benefit in the development of the critical thinking skills that are necessary to implement all of the different formulas. I believe that this kind of critical thinking that is required to realize how to formulate the data is a very important skill to develop. I do think that the younger generations and everyone else's calculating skills become a "little rusty" because of continually relying on Excel to do all of the calculating instead of doing the math out longhand, but this can occur even through the use of calculators. I think Excel
After reading the above statement, did you miss any species in your gut content sampling? If so, which ones?
Before beginning the Master of Social Work program at Laurier I figured I had a strong understanding of what social work was. However, I quickly learned that I had only scratched the surface. I knew oppression existed, but I never understood the depth of it. I now know that I was afraid of it. It was easy for me to stay silent, because it was such a comfortable position to be in. Doing nothing meant I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. This was influenced by the privilege I had.
One of the main goals of social workers is to guide clients, whether at the micro, mezzo, or macro level, towards becoming confident and recognizing areas of strengths and weakness, in order to identify and utilize resources necessary to function at the optimum level within society and to gain authority and control over the current situation. Empowerment theory embraces the ethics and values the NASW sets for social work practice. This theory encourages clients to realize their own dignity and worth. It also encourages human relationships and collaboration, whether at the micro level or within communities on the macro level. Social justice is at the heart of empowerment theory, encouraging clients to gain power within themselves and in numbers to overcome that which oppresses them.
The NASW (2008) states that primary mission of the social work profession incorporates, empowering people who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty. East & Roll (2015) indicates the empowerment theory is efficient in
As children we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. I remember giving the rather un-realistic answer of "superstar" at the time. I struggled with finding a path that suited me for awhile; however now that I am older and have a better understanding of the world, I have the answer to what I want to be, and that is an urban planner. According to the American Planning Association (American Planning Association, 2013), "Planning, also called urban planning or city and regional planning, is a dynamic profession that works to improve the welfare of people and their
With a master 's level education in social work, I see myself envisioning clients’ health and well-being. As a student, I will study and practice techniques, beyond a generalist perspective, that will allow me to give clients hope and the ability to see something greater than what they are facing. Upon completion of a Master of Social Work direct practice degree and certificates in gerontology and mental health programs, I intend to become a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I will competently incorporate specialized skills in different professional settings while developing my knowledge of a wide range of social issues and professional standards. With commitment, I wish to develop skills that will enable me to create or find hidden resources and services for my future clients, create platforms through counselling for victims of trauma.
In our world today, many individuals are faced dealing with oppression, exploitation, social exclusion, and injustice. As a result, this makes it hard for those same individuals to prosper. It leaves them powerless, hopeless, and at a disadvantage. It’s said, “These individuals generate a sense of blame, distrust, alienation, vulnerability, and disenfranchisement” (Dubois, Miley, & O’Melia, 2015, p. 83). It is up to social workers to empower these individuals, give them a sense of hope and bring forth their strengths that society fails to uplift.
3. What type of bank risk would worry you the most as an account holder? How should the bank protect itself against that risk? (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)
The authors of this analysis aspire to practice in three very different areas of social work in the future, including private practice, education, and the criminal justice field,
The social worker engages in a process called relative influencing, where they pose questions throughout the therapeutic process with the intention to externalize the problem and promote reauthoring. Empowerment theory can inform micro practice, social workers discuss the importance of client involvement within society. Within macro practice, social workers may advocate for policies that are liberating for all groups of people (Langer & Lietz,
Empowerment and a strengths perspective which support the development of innate abilities and recognize differences in a positive manner are also helping social workers increase the individual client’s capacity to learn to use his or her own systems constructively
The IMPACT program (Improving Mood – Providing Access to Collaborative Treatment) serves as the largest treatment trial for depression to date. During this trial, researches followed nearly 1,800 depressed adults from 18 different primary care facilities around the nation. After a randomized assignment, half of the patients received psychiatric care for depression in cohesion with their primary care doctor, while the other half received treatment following a collaborative care, or IMPACT, model approach. After the trial, those receiving collaborative care on average reported a 50% reduction in symptoms, compared to traditional care, with a reported 17% reduction in symptoms. (AIMS Center). Based on the trial, this treatment plan was deemed
Social Work’s core philosophy and values are centered around social justice and social well-being. Oppression, injustice, discrimination, and violence are antithetical to the social work profession. Social Work believes in strength-based approaches and the person-in-environment perspective to cater the needs and welfare of individuals, families, groups, communities, and society at large. Generally, the target populations for social work are vulnerable, marginalized, and oppressed people; however, social workers provide services to people with a wide range of problems, such as poverty, addiction, mental illness, etc. to empower them to meet their own needs. Historically, the social work profession started its operation by providing neighborhood
If an assessment is reliable, its results are stable and relatively true (Whiston, 2009). Utilizing the BDI-FastScreen will provide a true and stable assessment of depression in the participants. The authors of the BDI-FastScreen based its reliability on four patient groups used as normative samples (Whiston & Eder, 2003). The test manual for the BDI-FastScreen supplied limited information on the assessment's reliability, however, the coefficient alphas for the four groups were .86; .85; .88; and .86 (Hennessey & Pallone, 2003). To gauge the assessment's test-retest reliability in my study, participants will be assessed with the BDI-FastScreen upon becoming participants in the study, after six weeks, and after twelve weeks of support group participation. This will ensure the test is a reliable indication of the participants' levels of