
Mabo Laramie

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English – Life Writing Essay In the two life writing pieces, Mabo and Laramie both share similar and different themes as well as codes and conventions. The film Mabo, directed by Rachael Perkins, revolves around the true story of Eddie Mabo and his decision to continue to fight for his land and peoples rights. The audience is persuaded to side with Eddie throughout the use of point of view and bias. The Laramie project, by Moises Kaufman and the members of the tectonic theatre project, follows the actions and communications of the Laramie people after the horrific manslaughter of Matthew Shepard. The two life writing pieces, Mabo and Laramie both share the same key theme Power. In Mabo, this is shown throughout the biopic and demonstrated …show more content…

In Mabo where Eddie was refused a drink but stayed there until he was thrown in the lockup was seen as an injustice as he didn’t get justice for the racism he experienced but instead got thrown in jail. In Laramie, Matthew Shepard experienced injustice right before he died, the hatred that grew from the hearts of Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney in which lead to the death of Matthew Shepard, had no justice until the court case. Matthew was vulnerable and didn’t get the justice he deserved. In Mabo, when Eddie had won the Supreme Court case, his family felt as sense of relief and justice for Eddie. Eddie had passed away prior to the court cases hearing, but the family felt as though his life had meaning and were proud that his life was spent doing well. In Laramie an example of justice is when the court case hearing was held and Matthews’s father had openly expressed how he felt about the matter at hand. Dennis Shepard stated “Every time you celebrate Christmas, a birthday, the fourth of July remember that Matt isn’t.” – p.g. 94 In Dennis Shepard’s statement he expressed the hate he feels towards Aaron McKinney and how he would love to see him die. The court case attracted the media and gathered everyone’s attention towards the justice that people wanted to see. The family of Matthew Shepard felt as though at least some good is coming from the bad of Matthews’s

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