Susan Kare Hand painted the original Mac Flag or one of Steve Job’s slogans, at Macintosh Offsite. She will only custom paint a 3x5 of a 4x6 flag for you. These art works are only for indoor artworks to be displayed, not for outside flag poles. Its purpose for it was a recreation of the flag that flew over the Brandley 3, the Macintosh building at Apple Inc. in 1983. Steve Capps felt like something was missing on their new building that they had just moved into for Apple Inc. He thought of an idea to put the flag they had made on the top of the building witch ended up happening. Everyone then looked up at the building that the flag was upon. The famous flag took off with Susan Kare to be the one who custom painted
Apples logo of a half-eaten Apple is known globally around the world. The logo represents the story in the bible where eve eats an apple from the forbidden tree. It is said that Steve Jobs was a Catholic and that was the true meaning behind the logo. The name also has interesting story
Welcome to the Betsy Ross House, home of the first American flag. Here you can see where Ross lived and view some of her belongings. Ross made the flag in 1776 and the congress approved it in 1777. You can explore. Ross only lived in this house for three years, and it was given to the city of Philadelphia in 1941. She never owned this house; in fact, many other shopkeepers and artisans lived there too. On the first flag, there were thirteen stars and Ross sewed them into a circle so no colony would feel left out. This house was open to the public in 1898 with only two rooms to explore. Now it looked like back in 1776
"I look at a flag differently now,” she said Tuesday at the Valley Forge Flag factory in Lane, South Carolina, where she has worked for 14 years. “When I started to sew, and I saw them flying, it filled my heart because I’d had my hands on them," she said.
The very first American flag was created in June 14, 1777 by Betsy Ross but later changed in 1795.
The flag is positioned horizontally. The red and white stripes clearly stand out. I also feel that there is an
I saw my first bond reduction hearing at High Point’s courthouse. A middle-aged woman was in jail for assault on a female, which resulted in minor injuries. The defendant had four biological children and two adopted children. She reported that she had employment before the crime. The defendant was requesting a bond reduction. To help her case, the victim of the crime wanted to appear before the judge to speak on the defendant’s behalf. The judge might not have dropped the case, but the witnesses’ testimony could have persuaded him to reduce the defendant’s bond. The judge asked the witness for identification, but she did not have it. So, the judge dismissed the motion for a reduction in bond. The witness had some power to influence the judge.
Dread Scott’s very controversial illustration is titled What is the Proper Way to Display a Flag? What better title to stir the people’s ideas and gain their opinions on the correct way to present symbolistic fabric? a.) Many people believe that the American flag should never touch the ground, as it is a sign of disrespect. However, what many Americans don’t seem to know is there technically no rule on how one must display a flag. b.) This piece addressed, not only very important social issue, but a political one as well. As miniscule as they may seem to all the other problems society is facing, they desperately needed to be addressed for American citizens, specifically, to truly consider which values they hold dear to themselves and their
this case the Court considered whether the First Amendment protected non-speech acts, as Johnson was convicted of flag desecration and not of verbal communication. If acts of non-speech are protected, then would Johnson’s burning of the flag represent expressive conduct which would permit him to invoke the First Amendment in challenging his conviction. The court reiterated its long standing that the protection of speech does not end at written or spoken word, as previously decided in the case of Stomberg v. California, and Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District. The Court acknowledged that conduct may be “sufficiently imbued with elements of communication to fall within the scope of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.” Having reviewed whether the intent to convey a message was present and the likelihood that the message conveyed would be understood, by bystanders, the Court felt that there were sufficient communication elements to bring the First Amendment into play.
The United States is known for being ‘land of the free’, a nation with a Declaration of Independence, as well, as a Constitution protecting the rights of it’s citizens. Wars have been fought and many people have died so we could have the rights that present today. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and most importantly the right to petition our government; all of which fall under the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Our nation’s flag is an everlasting symbol of freedom and hope
Have you had any family members that was in the war? My grandpa and my great grandpa were in the Vietnam War. They fought for freedom and justice they were brave in many ways.
One example In May of 1776, Betsy Ross reported that she had sewn the first American Flag. Over the years of the American Flag’s history has changed a few times but there have been 28 flags made to be an American Flag. The United States Flag was originally made for when America broke away from Great Britain, now the American Flag has 50 stars and 13 red and white alternate stripes.
Macduff is the thane of fife, the foil to Macbeth, and the greatest patriot of Scotland during the play. He first appears in act one scene six, the King Duncan and the nobleman come to Macbeths castle. Macduff’s fellow noblemen marvel about the greatness of Macbeth’s castle, though Macduff stays silent throughout the scene. This is generally how Macduff acts; only speaking when spoken to, and not making unnecessary conversation. In act two scene three Macduff and Lennox come to wake the king and he is the one to make the discovery that the king has been murdered. He exclaims to Macbeth and Banquo what has happened, saying that the King is the Lord’s appointed temple. This is common in the time period
growing trend in this flag that was being flown from cars and houses. It was a very simple flag,
What the flag means to me. Well, it’s not just a piece of cloth. It’s not just stars and stripes. It’s something way more than that.
Apple Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, CA and was incorporated on January 3, 1977 (Apple, 2010). The company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Jobs also asked his former colleague from Atari, Ronald Wayne to join them in their startup. Wayne designed the first Apple logo. In early 1976 Jobs approached a local company store, The Byte Shop, said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came completely assembled (Foljanty, 2010). The shop ordered 50 Apple I computers which sold for $666.66. The three owners would assemble the Apple Is at night in their garage still managed to deliver the ordered Apple Is in ten days. In April of 1976 Ron Wayne resigned from Apple Computer because he felt the financial