
Macbeth Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Famous literary writer Shakespeare has written many works. The works of Shakespeare can be considered part of the literary canon. All of which are considered timeless because of their innovative use of characterisation and aesthetic elements. One such play is Macbeth written by written by Shakespeare in 1604.

There are many readings of Macbeth which include the villain and Macbeth as a hen-pecked husband. Both the former and latter readings of Macbeth are fairly recent readings. The most popular is Macbeth as the tragic hero. This reading follows the story of Macbeth, who is originally a ‘hero’ but his fatal flaw (unchecked ambition) ultimately leads to his downfall. However, he is still considered a good man because he shows remorse for his actions.

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Initially, at the beginning of the play, Macbeth is shown as a brave and noble Thane, as well a brave, valiant warrior in battle with Norway. This can be supported by points from both the captain of the battle and King Duncan. “Brave Macbeth, (well he deserves that name)” (1.ii.16). This point from the captain from the battle with Norway is describing how brave Macbeth was in battle. Thus, helping to describe Macbeth’s ‘heroic’ actions. This is further supported by the following from King Duncan. “O valiant cousin!” (1.ii.24). Duncan describing Macbeth (his cousin) as courageous and fearless in battle. This again helps portray the ‘heroic’ side of Macbeth. These points are further supported when Macbeth shows

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