
Macbeth Gender Roles

Decent Essays

English – Chanelle Thurlow

William Shakespeare produced the context Macbeth in the early nineteen seventies. Macbeth is one off four of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies. This was all in the Elizabethan era and had many grate changes and advancements within the society. In this play Shakespeare uses different socio-cultural elements such as being the chain of religion, supernatural, tragedy, gender- patriarchy. These socio-cultural elements all make Macbeth a meaningful, relearnt and timeless play. The language is transferable to new settings, new interpretations of the characters because the psychological and human issues in his work are still valid. The language of the scrip can add a new dimensions and persona to the play Macbeth. Macbeth is portrayed as a multidimensional character throughout the play. Some of his characteristics are greed, power and these ambition eventually rob Macbeth of his morals complete this highlights his insecurity as a person. This is why Shakespeare’s play Macbeth can transcend time and place. …show more content…

One of theses that is highlighted at the start of Macbeth is the supernatural role. This happened in act 2 scene 1 mostly none as the dagger scene, this is when Macbeth sees a dagger just before he go in the room to murder King Duncan. He knows that the dagger is an optical illusion, the dagger disappears and then reapers stained with blood, this affects Macbeth deeply. This links back to the thesis with the way the play uses the themes and language to manipulate the new times and

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