
Macbeth Power And Corruption Essay

Decent Essays

In the play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare we see how easily power and ambition can corrupt as Macbeth learns of his ‘fate’ to be the next king and, in an effort to speed up the wait commits regicide and murders the king. Macbeth’s turn in the play works well with the Lord Acton quote “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

In the beginning of the play we see that Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis and so has power but is also humble, but when the witches tell him he will become the Thane of Cawdor then the King of Scotland he scoffs replying with “I know I am Thane of Glamis, but how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives a prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not within the prospect of belief, no more than to …show more content…

This shows us how engrossed and corrupted Macbeth is that he no longer cares for his best friend to the point where he has him killed for suspecting macbeth of regicide.This part of Macbeth’s reign shows us how easily even the strongest of minds can be corrupted by power, by what they would be able to do and the paranoia that can occur as a side effect of their actions. This is a regret that everyone feels in their life to some degree and so makes the ideas Shakespeare expresses in the play even more relevant to today’s society because we can all experience some degree of power whether it’s being captain of a sports team or president of a country and that power comes with an immense responsibility and duty to control yourself and not let the temptation of power corrupt you.

At the end of the play we see that Macbeth believes the witches when they tell him that he will never die and it is later when he is confronted by Macduff we see that he still believes this when he says “I bear a charmed life that must not yield to one of woman born.” this shows us that while Macbeth had all the rule over Scotland he actually believed that he couldn’t be killed when in reality he was just a mortal as anyone else. While in real life there are not many examples of people who believed they were charmed to be immortal, there are examples of rulers who believed that while they had absolute power they couldn’t be defeated such as Joseph Stalin who became

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